Collateral ligament injury


Well-Known Member
28 June 2013
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Does anyone have experience of collateral ligament injury? How long was your horse out of work and do they ever make a full recovery? Thanks


Well-Known Member
18 July 2010
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Try posting in Veterinary & Hoof Care, think you'll get more replies there. From symptoms think this was what my boy had but didn't MRI so no definitive diagnosis to his 'bilateral caudal hoof pain'. There are two totally different treatment routes remedial shoeing and barefoot rehab. Research carefully before you decide, make up your own mind whats best for you and your horse. Good luck :)


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30 December 2014
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My mare did. It took more than 6 months to get a diagnosis for her, at the time there was only 1 MRI in the whole of Australia and I saw numerous vets that couldnt give me answers. In the end her feet/ lameness were critiqued by a farrier in America who said her feet were in bad shape (despite my vet being happy with them) and that she had probably torn a collateral ligament. I had her MRI'd and sure enough there was a 'moderate' tear.

The vets prognosis was 80% chance of not recovering. He said that was for if this was found streight up. He said given that we had already done the recommended treatment (box rest) without improvement there wasnt much chance.

Anyway, i searched for anyone that agreed with what the farrier from america had said- that her feet were out of balance, and when i found one i started using them and went barefoot. Over the course of a year she became sound again. She is only in light work though.

The point is, i a well balanced trim and barefoot with turnout was what helped her. I would probably not box rest again given my experience.