Well-Known Member
Good Morning,
I have been a little MIA on here recently, but I need some input!
So I moved my mare in January to a new yard, about 25/30mins from my old one, and she has been so much happier, content relaxed! Just fantastic.
However once spring started she has started coughing when exercised, not something she's done before (other than Hay related but wetting it down sorted this fine). So the vet came out and prescribed Ventipulmin for 2 weeks to try and ease up the coughing to give her throat chance to heal and see if this could break the cycle. She didn't cough at all while on this, but now it has finished the coughing has returned (possible worse than ever).
I'm thinking the next steps are Piriton. The vet said maybe worth the asthma route, or my out of the bag thought is to move her to a different yard to see if its an allergy to the now very close woodland?
Just looking for a sounding board really and Ideas/experience as i'm on my own at the new place so don't have the horsey mind collective!
I have been a little MIA on here recently, but I need some input!
So I moved my mare in January to a new yard, about 25/30mins from my old one, and she has been so much happier, content relaxed! Just fantastic.
However once spring started she has started coughing when exercised, not something she's done before (other than Hay related but wetting it down sorted this fine). So the vet came out and prescribed Ventipulmin for 2 weeks to try and ease up the coughing to give her throat chance to heal and see if this could break the cycle. She didn't cough at all while on this, but now it has finished the coughing has returned (possible worse than ever).
I'm thinking the next steps are Piriton. The vet said maybe worth the asthma route, or my out of the bag thought is to move her to a different yard to see if its an allergy to the now very close woodland?
Just looking for a sounding board really and Ideas/experience as i'm on my own at the new place so don't have the horsey mind collective!