Comfy Bed is no more


Well-Known Member
14 December 2012
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Just got a facebook feed saying Eco Comfy Bed will no longer be being produced......

Does anyone else know of a product that is comparable except Easy Bed. I was paying £6.10 for 25kg bag of ComfyBed and EasyBed around these parts is £7+ for only 20kg..... I love my ComfyBed........not sure what to do now :(

One of mine will be great on shavings, one is filthy on anything but the third is fab on a compact bed - takes 2 mins to muck out!

The Fuzzy Furry

Getting old disgracefully
24 November 2010
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Disaster! Am so naffed off.

Have just been on phone to local supplier & ordered enough to be delivered end of week for next winter from their current stock (so will have unexpected hole in bank account)
Will then have to find something for winter 2015/16 :(


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3 August 2009
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Thats such a shame, comfy bed is brilliant for making a nice solid base under shavings..I will probably go back to using the elephant grass bales...not as good but I used them before comfy bed came out and found they keep the bed firm and more absorbent than 100% shavings.


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28 March 2013
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My tack shop told me at the weekend that the comfy bed factory had burnt down but that it should be back in a month of so. Have they changed their minds? I hope not, I love comfy bed. Not sure what to use instead :-(


Well-Known Member
14 December 2012
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My tack shop told me at the weekend that the comfy bed factory had burnt down but that it should be back in a month of so. Have they changed their minds? I hope not, I love comfy bed. Not sure what to use instead :-(
Checked their website - it is true. Fire and other major disasters.... Just trying to order last of the stock at my feed merchants. They had been told it was dis-continued too :(


Well-Known Member
14 December 2012
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Easybed is the same but in the SE is quite a bit more expensive. I don't know about anything else.....I was hoping someone else would know!


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6 March 2009
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hmm perhaps its just a weird coincidence that I found something in my bale quite a few weeks ago that no owner would want in their horses bedding, before they were having machine problems (according to my local supplier) and now not suppling anymore :/


Well-Known Member
6 September 2011
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Easybed is the same but in the SE is quite a bit more expensive. I don't know about anything else.....I was hoping someone else would know!

Easibed isn't the same - it's a far superior product. The wood chips are smaller and not as sharp and there is barely any dust - I couldn't see across the stable after putting in Comfybed. I'm prepared to pay a bit more for that - I pay £6.55 per bale delivered direct.

hmm perhaps its just a weird coincidence that I found something in my bale quite a few weeks ago that no owner would want in their horses bedding, before they were having machine problems (according to my local supplier) and now not suppling anymore :/

I had a problem quite a while ago which they were very apologetic about, replaced it immediately and assured me that it could never happen again :( Regardless, I found it far too dusty and changed to Easibed and have never looked back but would be interested to hear if Laysoft does match up to Easibed.

Nitro mouse

Well-Known Member
6 December 2010
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Hiya try Safe Mix, it's made by Arden. It's a mixture of wood chip and fine shavings. Very little dust smells divine and costs on average £5.50 a bag. If you have a countrywide store near you they also do a their own version of Easy Bed. Bales are smaller and again are around the £5.50 mark. The Safe Mix bale size is bigger tho.... I mix mine with wood pellets as I have one very wet horse. Another livery has hers on it alone. We both adore the Safe Mix!