I'm assuming it's just than angle of the photo that makes them lean to the right?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, sorry about the crummy angle. For some reason my mobile phone make it almost impossible to take a straight picture using it! Forgot to take my digital camera with me tonight.
I would say have the horses feet trimmed as they look long then stand him/her up straight on flat concrete and then have a look as nearly impossible to tell anything for certain from those pictures.
As above stand on concrete
Hold plumb line in front
On pics above I would expect splints to form on off side fore but I bought horse with splints on both front legs at age 3 he is now 19, has XC on all sorts of ground conditions and never had a problem.
I thought the offside knee was a little offset from the centre of the knee? Nearside looks better to me. Expect it'll be clearer to see once the farrier's been and its standing in the yard.