P0ny Lover
Hi I've done a thread before, but to sum it up I'm a young rider who lost ALL confidence to ride just shortly after starting to learn how to canter a few times. Ok so I felt pretty hopeless that I was every going to get my confidence back. Untill I saw someone say exposing themselves abruptly to the riding gear worked for them. So I decided next riding leason I would not cry whilst trotting and force myself to trot. It worked!! I even did sitting trot, a big fear at the time. Now I'm actively being offered to canter but I feel absolutely 100% petrified to canter. So here is my big question! Am I better to just wait untill I feel like I genuinely want to canter, or should I just force myself to canter when offered. Since exposing myself to trot worked seemingly ok, it could work with canter. Plus I only get to ride once a month, I dont want to waste my leason. Thanks to anyone who answer my long winded question!!!