Conformation critiques on HHO....

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Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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I know what you are saying, but my instructors help me with this, i would prefer for them to comment, as they actually know how my horse works, how i ride, and what my ambitions and aims are. I would never ask people to critique my horses conformation from a photo, or even a video, i believe that you have to see the horse in the flesh to get a true view of them.


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25 September 2003
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When "S" was a young horse I used to ask "respected" horse people their opinion. I absolutely wanted their honest opinion as I wanted to know what I had.
Now, I know his faults, so I don't bother asking and as I don't show anymore and I am not going to breed from him, it doesn't matter.
I have only ever been offended once by someone's comments and that was when they were using my horse (uninvited, I may add) to point out what "look out" for to avoid when buying a horse. The intention was not to offend but I really wanted to smash her f*cking face in!

Very few of us on here are professional breeders, riders or anything other than Happy Hackers, Riding Club, Pony Club, Low level affilateds (Is that a word)?
Our horses do the job that we want from them.
We all love our horses intensely.
So it is very likely that most of us have horses with some or lots of comformation faults.
But warts n all, aren't they blooming goooorrrrrrgeous?



Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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You are very right, it is difficult to critique from a picture or video, a valid one is done in person. I am not saying you need to go and have one done by say a breed association as I did. I need it done for a score. My trainers and the breeder told me the same things the judges did, its just I only have it on paper from a judge. If you have a great trainer or even friends that can help you that is more than adequate. I am simply saying that it can be helpful to have "someone" knowledgable look at your horse, it can be helpful.


Well-Known Member
11 November 2005
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Have never asked as my mare will never do a showing class as she has a nice L stamped on her back!
She will never be sold and is in the family until she goes to horsey heaven!
She does have nice basic conformation, she was found by someone who judges working hunters and other show classes but sayin that she has navicular in both front feet!

our other horse, ok does not have conformation that will win in the show ring but does the job she was bought for, will fly round a xc course and jump up to 1.20 from a trot!


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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I've not had a conformation critique on Patches.

I put "other" as my reason. I do know some of her conformational flaws but the reason I've not asked is not because I'd be offended, but because it doesn't matter to me that she's less than perfect. She's a horse to have fun on, I'm happy with the way she is and we're a good match for each other.

I know she's not a particularly pretty horse and I also am well aware that she's not to everyone's taste. I do think that sometimes there is a bit of snobbery where cob blob's like Patches are concerned and it's hard for people to be consistent about how they view a horse's conformation (as in whether it's correct or not) unless they are completely familiar with the type of horse stood in front of them (or on the screen if we're talking internet critiques). For example, Patches is cow-hocked and I've had people comment on how they'd never buy a cow hocked horse. Doesn't bother me that people think that's such a bad conformational flaw until you consider that we think she's part Clydesdale, having cow hocks is a common trait of such horses. What I'm trying to say, badly, is that all horses are different, obviously through the different breeds, and what's right for one horse, isn't necessarily right for another.

They're all different, like people, they come in many differing sizes and shapes.

The only conformational things that would truly alarm me would be legs pointing in different directions, back sunk to the knees etc. Being told you horse has it's tail set on a little low (which I've also heard before).....I mean really...does it matter in the grand scheme of things for a leisure horse?

Gosh, I really do waffle.

The Virgin Dubble

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19 March 2003
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I have never asked because a) I've never yet owned a horse with perfect conformation, and b) I don't care. Best horse I ever owned was a TB chestnut mare with a ewe neck and straight hocks.

I think, when asking for opinions, people might do well to remember that there are some extremely experienced, knowledgable, and straight talking horse people on here who will say what they think rather than say what the poster wants to hear...


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
I often have a good laugh at the replies, there are some folk who seem to think perfect conformation denotes a good horse. It doesn't, perfect temperament and abilty are far more of an issue, it's no good having a perfectly shaped neddie if the b**** has no talent or willingness.
Family history counts for a lot, if the parents are good competition horses, it's highly likely their offspring will be too .
Some faults don't affect the horse much anyway, a horse that dishes won't go lame sooner than one that is straight, but it will perhaps give a very smooth ride in comparison. Some faults like weak hocks can cause problems later on in life but in the average horse arthritis takes it's toll eventually anyway.
It's a good job they don't judge humans on conformation isn't it, how many of us are perfectly proportioned, and does that affect our abilties ? of course not.

Give me an ugly talented friendly type over a showing star, not only do they tend to be tougher but more fun to own too.


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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Some people, well only the odd one or two really, only seem to have bad things to say about other's horses. While their horse is Jesus in a fur coat!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh Horsegirl! I love that analogy...Jesus in a Fur Coat! You've given me such a chuckle at that, made my day!

You're so right though. I almost think that putting a picture up to critique a conformation is almost like hanging a piece of bait out to the lions! As you say, some take great pleasure in picking on every little flaw of a horse, however trivial it may be.

Personally, I'm a little too sensitive in some ways and I'm sure that if I had 15 positive comments and 1 negative one, it'd be the negative comment I'd replay over in my mind. I'm also a tad paranoid. If someone said "God look at your horse's does it stay sound? (you get the idea) I'd be worrying about every step she took from there on in!

However, my initial response still stands. I look at horses for the temperament first and foremost and how they match me as a rider/owner. I then have them 5 stage vetted by a vet I trust and listen to their expert opinion as to whether the horse has any conformational issues that are likely to prevent the horse from doing what I'll ask of it whilst I own it....which isn't all that much really compared to most! lol


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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Bloody good reply Sue!!!!

I second everything you say. Too much emphasis is placed on perfection in all walks of life these days.

Of course that's easy for me to say with my ugly cob blob......however, I have so much fun with Patches and she's easy to do - although perhaps she's been a little high maintenance for cob with her vets fees!


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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Oh i totally agree with you! Honestly am not trying to be awkward!
I couldent have her assessed by a breed association anyways, she is a heinz 57 of the truest form!


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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I'd be interested to see what people thought of Chex, wouldn't be offended because it doesn't matter to me, he's perfect for a happy hacker! If I'd just bought a young expensive show horse or something, then I'd be reluctant to ask, might not like the replies!


Well-Known Member
7 August 2005
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I asked opinions on my boy when i first brought him, and a few ripped him too pieces, and a few really liked him. Some opinions I value, some I dont, and a few have played on my mind since, but then again I used to show him, so he was under constant critique anyway! There are alot of knowledgable people on here, and I like to hear opinions, but alot of people put things as fact, where in fact they are meerly opinions.


I wouldn't because I'm sensitive, and I think too many people like to just pick on every possible fault they can find, even if its really small and fussy and makes no difference.

As far as I'm concerned, conformation is irrelevant provided the horse can do the job, and its not got the sort of flaw that's going to generate serious problems.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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I've put up a few pictures of some of my guys and have actually been quite surprised that few people haven't picked up on their faults.....although the people I expected to, did.

A couple of times, especially at the beginning of a post like that, I have wondered whether people are seeing the same as me.....but then it all comes clear when the experienced lot reply and I know that I am not seeing things. I like these people to respond as they say what they see and they know fine well that I want the truth.

No of course I wouldn't ever get hacked off with anyone for saying what they see in any of my horses. I deal with so many horses on a daily basis, I don't have time for pandering to each and every one of my own horses; at this farm I can see all the horses good points and their bad points....regardless of whose name is on their papers. All I see, is another "horse".


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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I would not be offended by peoples comments - I am perfectly aware of my horses faults but if I wanted a real critique I would probably PM it to people I know and trust on here instead for example if there was a horse I was looking at buying and was not quite sure it would develop into something I wanted.
I like short coupled horses that are built uphill and thats about it. It does help if you have a nice looking horse but no point in being pretty if its brain is not right.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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i agree with Boss, i dont care what other people think of Bloss or Archie (now) as i know exactly what is wrong with both of them, they both do the job asked of them so i dont need other people telling me whats wrong aswell!!


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
East Sussex
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I didn't post for a conformation crtique just some piccies of my girl when I got her but a conformation critique is what I got, BUT the comments were ok just what I had expected really. However I would not post for a specific conformation critique as I would be devastated if anyone dared to say she was not perfect


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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I asked for one on Sid...might stick a recent pic back up actually as a comparison, I asked cos I really was curious, I freely admit I know shag all about what's right technically but I know when I see something that's 'wrong' if you know what I mean...I was pleasantly surprised with the responses but to be honest if they had been really negative it really wouldn't matter as he's a keeper!