Confused about judges remark...


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6 March 2013
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So I have been at the regionals this week, - did the elementary silver class. My little ex racehorse does struggle with the atmosphere at big shows, and although this was a fairly local venue for us (Bicton Arena) it was in their new arena which he hasn't seen, with al of the razzmatazz of a regionals, trade stands, loudspeaker etc. on arriving he was nice and chilled, hopped on and hacked down to the warm up, well behaved for tack check which is always the case, he's not always sure about the bit check! Was a little tense in warm up, I concentrated on having him evenly in both reins and didnt get stressed over little mistakes he made, silly things like stepping back in a halt - things I would correct at home, he just needs his hand holding a little more at the big shows and he is a horse who responds best to rewarding the good but not punishing the bad, he just gets too worried!
Went to do my test and once in the arena he was rather tense, in my one spin around the outside before the bell rang I just settled him as best as I could, he didn't do anything wrong, was just not as soft and relaxed as he can be. This theme continued through the test, it was actually mistake free, I didn't think there was any resistance in the rein back, all of the simple changes were clean. Medium canter I was a little cautious and didn't ride for enough, there was a thunder storm at the time and I just wanted to quietly get through the test without any dramas! The second medium canter comes at the end of the test and you turn down the CL before you trot, I had the feeling if I asked for too much I would end up flying sideways down the CL! Anyway, finished and was actually quite pleased, considering the circumstances(!!) I felt I had done the best I could in the situation, ride him quietly and tactfully and not put any pressure on him, so we had a clean run through of the test all be it without too much wow factor. Final salute done, the judge at C gets out of her car and says 'I didn't stop you but he really didn't look very happy...'

I didn't really know what to say, I just said he is very tense today!...

She said you know him best, I didn't stop you but I wanted to say something..

She then got back in her car and I hadn't no time to ask her what she meant as the next rider was coming in..She didnsay soemthing to one kf the other judges, which made me think it was 2 of them who it had come from, but not sure exactly what was meant.
He is totally sound, had regular physio etc, tack fits/teeth all up to date.
So a bit confused really. This judge had him on 52%....along with the other one who seemed to agree with her, other judge had us on 57% ish.

This is a horse who is getting high 60s - low 70's at elementary and has had 67 at medium, 63 advanced medium. I will have my sheets in a couple of days, a friend kindly picked them up for me as I couldn't face hanging around hours after my test with a lot to do when I got home that night, so I know the sheets should show a bit of what the judge meant but just wondered if anybody had any idea what her comment may have been about? Thanks, feeling a little dejected here!


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7 September 2004
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I will stick my neck and and say the judges probably felt he was unlevel - they have to be very careful about how they say that though. Maybe it was just excess tension hitting rhythm or maybe not.
With all 3 below 60, and on a horse that often scores higher, it might be worth a quick Vet check


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15 March 2016
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I would say it sounds like she definitely thought he looked uncomfortable if not actually lame. Could be tension but might be something to keep an eye on/quick vet check


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13 August 2010
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without seeing you and your horse or knowing you it's hard to say. When your horse is tense does he not track up very much? Does he mouth the bit more, fix the jaw? what are the signs of tension you get?
Different judges appear to have different main things that really gripe them, for some it's undertracking but another judge won't notice the undertracking if the front end looks nice. Others don't mind movement in the mouth, others really knock it. Sometimes tension can cause crookedness or a lack of freedom one side more than the other Uneven steps behind etc.. so many things can be caused by tension and if it happens to be the judge's pet hate they'll hammer it.
And like the others said, unlevel steps in front. If the judge's see unlevelness they usually drop to a maximum of a 5 but usually are on 4s
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24 October 2012
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I would imagine she could see irregular steps of maybe head nodding, the head judge would only stop a test if they think the horse is lame? Tension could definitely cause both, and if you were very cautious he might have ended up looking shuffly maybe? Very hard to tell without seeing the test.

I would have a good look at him make sure you are happy with him and if you think it might have just been the tensions then focus on the positives you found. I have a tense monster too and a clear round at regionals is not to be sniffed at :).


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I agree with the others, she did not think he was sound. It sounds as though tension spoiled his cadence, possibly.

Last Saturday my judge told me that my horses nerves (first time in a dressage arena) would be cured if I bought two mojo bands and put them behind his ears on his bridle. I might buy him a Ouija board while I'm at it :)


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7 November 2005
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I'd consider approaching one of the judges and asking if they can expand (assuming when you get the sheets back it isn't apparent).

I'd explain he normally scores higher, and you are puzzled by the considerable drop in marks by all three judges, and can she spell out to you what the issues were? That you are not disagreeing, just seeking a better understanding, so can address the issues.


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28 March 2011
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Yes I think the judge thought him lame but it was not enough to stop him during the test .
Time for a vet check .


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11 September 2007
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When I've written for judges and they've got out the car to speak to a competitor at the end, it's been because they think it doesn't look entirely sound, but not lame enough for them to need to stop the test.


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27 January 2009
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I've had a judge talk to me once, also on a horse that usually scores high 60s. Turned out he'd pulled a pectoral muscle during a stumble in the warm up!

Then a few months later I had a comment about irregularity in our trot. Initially I put it down to tension as it was his first time out since the previous incident, but on reviewing the video with his physio we decided to get the vet out (even though he'd done another comp in between with no issues!). Turned out he had bone chips and DJD in both fetlocks - he's just coming back into work now after an op. I'd definitely get him checked over, especially if it's unusual for him.


Well-Known Member
6 March 2013
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Thank you guys, I think it must have been the tension maybe making him look unlevel, he didnt feel odd, just very hot! I have seen the pro photos, and while they aren't desperately inspiring, they seem to be taken that split second too late so he is on the downward bit of a canter stride etc, I can see where he maybe isn't tracking up all of the time, so hard to tell without a video or anyone on the ground to tell me afterwards! He is having a week off now to chill anyway and if I don't think he is totally right afterwards I will get the vet to see him, I really do think it was a tension issue though. He has had lower scores at big shows before - my nerves combined with him being naturally a worrier usually mean we don't hit the high scores we have at a regular show, but this was quite a considerable drop and in a test which didn't feel like it was worthy of all 5's. Appreciate your opinions, thanks!
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Well-Known Member
2 August 2010
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I think I would book in for a massage to see if there are any tension spots. Then after the week off, get someone to video you school to see if there is anything you can see. Hopefully there is nothing to see.


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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I agree with the others. However I do sometimes feel when a horse is taking an inconsistent rein contact due to tension it can be easy to mistake for unsoundness as some have a tendency to 'bob' the head. This may or may not be the problem but its just a thought.

Although you say your horse has regular physio and is sound etc. it may well have been a minor lameness on the day. Its a pity you didn't have anyone filming you on the ground so you could have a look over it.
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