Well-Known Member
I think I may have posted this a few years ago but not sure so I'll post again. Apologies if I've previously posted. Many of us put in electric fences to keep our horses in their paddocks. We all know however that there are occasions when they break out & rip the electric tape. When we just tie the tape together we find that the original 6 strand tape probably only connects with say 4 wires the other side of the not. Then when we have to knot again the 4 wires are tied & probably only 2 actually touch & there are now only 2 wires connecting or may be no connection at all. The fence makers make tape connecters and they can be any price from 50p each up to a pound or more each. I believe this is too much. At my yard if we have a broken tape I get a simple keyring & open the tape out to be flat & then knot it around the key ring. I then do the same to the other piece of electric tape & knot it to the ring. This way we have maintained the circuit and the fence still has good power in it. I bought key rings off ebay for £3.99 including postage for 100 rings (4p each). So I use this whenever there is a breakage of the tape & I manage to keep the tape live. This can save you a fortune, have a go it works.