Considering an air jacket


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29 July 2009
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I understand how they work and the pros and cons of the noise when they go off etc. The thing I am interested in is if people feel braver and more confident with one on? I have a few confidence issues and wonder if this would be a boost? Also which ones do people like best? Thanks.


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1 October 2014
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I have to point two. I wouldn't say it makes me feel any braver but it does make me feel safer when tackling larger tracks.
I did have a crashing fall a few years back where the horse came down with me and I broke my shoulder, collarbone and shoulder blade as well as concussion and severe bruising. It didn't help at all in that instance and in fact added insult to injury when it went off once the horse got up and crushed all my newly broken bones and winded me in the process!
However, I do think they are worth every penny and that if you can afford to get one you should!

ETA - Horses don't tend to even realise they go off as the noise is so minimal so don't worry about it spooking your horse unless you have something ultra sensitive.
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30 March 2011
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I have a hitair, it makes me much braver. I enjoy my horses much more and do things I would not have done before.


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12 October 2008
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Well, it's kind of like driving with or without wearing your seatbelt... (driving with seatbelt = wearing air jacket, driving without wearing seatbelt = wearing no air jacket)... I suppose after a while you just forget you are wearing it...


riding reluctantly into the sunset
21 February 2013
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It's not 'which air jacket that you like best', it's the one that fits you best. Try on all the brands and styles, it's the only way to know which is right. They all fit differently. The one I thought I'd buy didn't fit, so I have one I'd not investigated.
Wearing one has not made me 'braver', but it has restored my confidence.


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5 April 2010
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I have seriously thought about one. However, I do a lot of long distance hacking on my own, and i have had to think about the probs of falling off a long way from home and then not having protection after. How many spare canisters do you carry. ?? I ride a well behaved, but sharp Arab. I am a fair rider, but who knows what could happen lol


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10 November 2011
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Yes! I have a youngster so specifically bought it for when I started backing him. I had 2 falls reasonably early on which didn't hurt (think due to the air jacket )


Well-Known Member
10 November 2011
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Yes! I have a youngster so specifically bought it for when I started backing him. I had 2 falls reasonably early on which didn't hurt (think due to the air jacket )

Sorry posted before I finished!

So this gave me confidence to 'crack on' and there have been times I've thought thank god I have my air jacket on as I would have felt more vulnerable without it. My was poorly fitted by the saleswoman but it still does it's job but is just ridiculously large!


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2 September 2011
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It doesn't make me braver but it does make feel that I have done everything I reasonably can to protect myself and so to focus purely on riding instead of what ifs, if that makes sense!? I have the helite gilet...most people don't even realise I am wearing an air jacket until they spot the lanyard.


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12 January 2011
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I bought a Hit Air recently because I hated wearing my BP initially but had got used to it. Once it's on, I don't notice the hitair like I did the BP so in some ways feel a bit exposed.

Really I could do with falling off in it to know that it will protect me, as daft as it sounds!


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Definitely makes me feel able to do things I wouldn't do without it, like ride a known bucker or smack a napping horse.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I have seriously thought about one. However, I do a lot of long distance hacking on my own, and i have had to think about the probs of falling off a long way from home and then not having protection after. How many spare canisters do you carry. ?? I ride a well behaved, but sharp Arab. I am a fair rider, but who knows what could happen lol

I'm not sure I understand your logic. Isn't it better to have the protection when you fall, and be more likely to be fit to ride home again? I do carry one spare on my saddle cloth if I am doing anything more risky over a long period, but I've never used it.


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17 August 2008
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Carry a spare! The modern jackets are very quick and easy to replace the spares. (The first generation needed an allen key to do it so were less simple.) My daughter always hunts with 2 spares. One for her and one for someone else if needed. She's not actually needed to replace her canister on a hunt - but we have given away the spare for time to time! She has a Point 2 - but as an earlier poster has said the fit of the jacket on you as an individual should determine the choice.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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I have a Hit Air and it does make me ride less defensively XC because i'm not so worried about the 'what ifs'. Mines only gone off once and wasn't that loud and didn't really bother my sharp 4 yo, i'd never go XC without it but i do admit that i dont use it for much else, if i hunt this one i'll probably wear it but i dont hack or school in it which i probably should.

I love my air jacket and if you have the money i would recommend it to everyone, its a really valuable piece of kit. its a bit of a pain having to pay £17 every time you fall off though! I've asked for canisters for Christmas so i can stock up for next year!


riding reluctantly into the sunset
21 February 2013
the sat-nav is wrong, go farther up the hill
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It doesn't make me braver but it does make feel that I have done everything I reasonably can to protect myself and so to focus purely on riding instead of what ifs, if that makes sense!? I have the helite gilet...most people don't even realise I am wearing an air jacket until they spot the lanyard.



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1 August 2005
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I have bought a hit air as I am not the most confident rider and am looking for a new horse so already anxious about riding unknown horses. I love mine so far as feels lighter and less restrictive and makes me feel reassured for worst case scenario.. I would advise anyone to get if you can afford it.

cavalo branco

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31 October 2007
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I've also got a Hit-Air and wear it for hacking off-road and jumping. It's gone off twice and protected me well. I feel safer but I'm also more determined to stay on in a hairy moment, thinking of the replacement canister cost!! SIT UP!!


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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I've also got a Hit-Air and wear it for hacking off-road and jumping. It's gone off twice and protected me well. I feel safer but I'm also more determined to stay on in a hairy moment, thinking of the replacement canister cost!! SIT UP!!

These are my thoughts too!!

The only time i fell in it i remember being half off thinking 'this should go off soon' & '**** thats £17' all within the split second it takes to become unattached from the horse!


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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I'm not sure I understand your logic. Isn't it better to have the protection when you fall, and be more likely to be fit to ride home again? I do carry one spare on my saddle cloth if I am doing anything more risky over a long period, but I've never used it.

Sorry, I mean as compared to the normal back protector I wear all the time. Don't get me wrong, I try very hard to stay in the saddle :), but it just crossed my mind, that if I take a tumble with the normal back protector, I just get back on, with the air jacket, I could be in the middle of no wear, and then have long hack back without protection. As I say, just a thought. I've never used one so have know idea how easy canister is to change. I love the idea, just thinking of pros and cons.


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20 May 2012
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Sorry, I mean as compared to the normal back protector I wear all the time. Don't get me wrong, I try very hard to stay in the saddle :), but it just crossed my mind, that if I take a tumble with the normal back protector, I just get back on, with the air jacket, I could be in the middle of no wear, and then have long hack back without protection. As I say, just a thought. I've never used one so have know idea how easy canister is to change. I love the idea, just thinking of pros and cons.

You could wear your body protector under it? Tbh some are supposed to be worn over a BP anyway (or were when I got mine).

I love mine. I religiously wore my body protector for everything before I had my jacket. Then 1 bad fall and my back hasn't been the same since. So I wear my air jacket everytime I ride now, and put BP under for jumping/XC. :)


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17 January 2014
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I've a Hit air, I believe it's the best type on the market.

I've had too many serious injuries to even contemplate getting on my youngster for the first time without it. Somehow managed to forget anyway to put it on the first time I rode my youngster. So no, I wouldn't say it makes me feel any braver but having ridden in it since gives me more of a sense of protection.


Well-Known Member
29 May 2010
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You could wear your body protector under it? Tbh some are supposed to be worn over a BP anyway (or were when I got mine).

I love mine. I religiously wore my body protector for everything before I had my jacket. Then 1 bad fall and my back hasn't been the same since. So I wear my air jacket everytime I ride now, and put BP under for jumping/XC. :)

I have a P2 bought specifically as I am more mature and don't bounce any more and I had a very green youngster. Back in July I was just getting on my mare and she had a mad moment. I remember thinking - damn that's a canister gone but at least it won't hurt. WRONG. I fell on my bum and bang two fractures to my spine. So it didn't help me at all.

However if I do ever get back on I will still wear an air jacket as it does give you s sense of security.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2009
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Friend of mine has an air jacket for every eventuality. Hi viz one for hacking. Navy one to go with her navy waterproof coat for her Trec activities and a black one for hunting in.


Well-Known Member
12 October 2011
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I've had one for about a year now and not managed to fall off in it yet (tempting fate) - wouldn't necessarily say it makes me feel braver (perhaps because I haven't tested it out yet) but at least I know I've done all I can to prevent injury when I do come flying off! I tend to use it with a BP when doing XC etc but it's lovely in summer to be able to strip down to just the air jacket and know that I'm still protected, whereas before I would have just sweated it out and been uncomfy in the BP. Also very nice when 'just' schooling as they are so lightweight you don't know they're on, and they allow you to move so freely. Typically the only time I have been thrown off since owning the hitair, I didn't have it on - horse chucked me hard into a post and rail fence and although i was wearing the BP I so regretted not having the jacket on top, as I know for a fact that it would have protected me that little bit extra - I really felt the pain in the BP but probably wouldn't have done with the jacket! I toyed with the idea of buying one for a long time and am really pleased I did.


Well-Known Member
4 October 2012
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Hit-Air definitely, I tried the Helite (same as the Point 2 ) and I just felt squashed and like it offered little protection compared to the hit air. I love how it comes up around your neck and lower down too, was not impressed with the other design at all. Plus the hit air looks much smarter IMO. It doesn't make me feel any safer tbh, as I broke every limb last year so I know it won't protect those! but it's nice to know I'm as protected as possible.