Considering selling advice please


Well-Known Member
12 June 2021
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As I have posted recently I have considering whether or not we should sell the five year I bought last year.

This may sound silly but I've not been involved in selling a horse; I had three as a teenager, but we part exchanged my first pony for my second, my second pony went out on permanent loan and I then had a horse on loan that went back to its owner when I started university.

How do you decide on a realistic price; having looked a number of adverts there is a significant variation. She is a 15.2/3 rising six year old Irish Sports Horse with a green Irish passport; she has no known health issues; she is good to catch, shoe etc, turns out happily with other, is good in traffic hacks out well in company and has started hacking out alone. She has been professionally schooled twice a week since we got her and has been to a few shows; she jumps well and really enjoys this . I am not looking to ask "silly" money for her but would like funds available to purchase a replacement.

As an inexperienced seller is it best to put the horse on sales livery? I want the horse sold by someone who can show what she can do and will present her positively but honestly; she doesn't have any particular quirks but is young. I appreciate if we do sell her we have no say over her future once she is sold but I would like to try and find her a home where she is likely to remain for a few years.

I had bought her as a mother/ daughter share; I am not sure whether to forget the idea of a horse to share and focus on finding a pony for my daughter. She has a grown over the last year and would need a 14.3/ 15 hands as a minimum , so if it was stocky enough I could probably hack it out a few times a week. My plan last year was to find a youngish horse that I could keep for the next fifteen plus years so that we could grow old disgracefully together. I an now wondering if it would be best to focus on something more suitable for my daughter for now and maybe think about something else for me in the future.

Sorry for all the questions! Any advice greatly appreciated!

I'm Dun

Well-Known Member
20 May 2021
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I'd send her to sales livery and let them price her. Its dependant on so many things. And then I'd really focus on what your daughter wants to do. A nice quality native pony would probaly be easier for you both. Ive got one in the field, hes a full up 14.2hh, moves well, jumps like a stag and is sensible and easy going. Hes only 4 but something like him at 7 would hack nicely and jump round a BE80/do an elementary test/showjump at BN heights etc.

Lois Lame

Well-Known Member
11 May 2018
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Sales livery is a relatively new thing to me.

I read on here at times about sending a horse to sales livery when it's a difficult horse, so I've come to be a little suspicious of a horse being sold that way. I'd rather deal with the owner than a third party.

BUT, I don't live in the UK so I'm not familiar with something like sales livery.

windand rain

Well-Known Member
25 November 2012
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Sales livery will eat into your money for a new horse best to sell yourself or arrange viewings with your instructor there. I have heard of horses on sales livery where the owner gets less than half the money after costs ect are taken off


Well-Known Member
20 September 2009
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I would ask your instructor or whoever has been schooling her for you to help sell her. I should imagine you would be looking to sell her at around 10k? However finding the perfect replacement will be hard! Maybe speaking to your local pony club would be a good idea as they might know of something suitable.