Convincing family member to stop overfeeding horses


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27 October 2016
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Alarm over :) I was being a bit paranoid. I spoke to the farrier. He's happy with their weight. He said they shouldn't put on anymore but they're fine as they are now.

He said whenever he's used hoof testers on the soles of the horse diagnosed with pedal osteitis he's pulled his hoof away.
The vet couldn't pinpoint the exact place of the injury on the bone because he was sore all over his sole. The x-rays didn't show any demineralisation. Basically the farrier thinks that the x-rays may just show what's the norm for that horse and as opposed to damage caused by injury.

At any rate we are now barefoot!
All 4 shoes are gone. He gave him a trim and the horse is walking fine (he cantered off down the field :rolleyes:) The farrier is going to speak to someone he knows that's knowledgeable about hoof boots. He's going to get back to me later on this evening. I've his hoof supplement ordered and I'm going to put some keratex on his soles 🐎
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