COPD or something else?


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
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2 weeks ago my horse went to the vets to be scoped for an excess of custard snot from his right nostril. There was also discharge from his right eye, so all bets to the cause were put onto a sinus problem. Anyway he was scoped and had a chest and head xray but nothing was found. The vet has put it down to COPD and advised me to switch to easy bed and haylage. (at the moment he is on large flaked shavings and Soaked/Steamed hay) He also had a tracheal (sp) wash and this came back better than last year (he went in for a scope due to nosebleeds last June) but still saying he had COPD! Odd thing is he has had to be box rested (due to a tendon injury) but the snot seems to be a little better some days and others there is masses but I have changed nothing!

Throughout all this he has not coughed or weezed. He had a nosebleed from both nostrils in early march whist doing some fast work and then again about 5/6 hours after running XC at at ODE about 2 weeks later (although this time it was only from the right hand side!)

Do you think that there is something else amiss there?


Well-Known Member
1 May 2007
Deepest Wales
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Don't like the sound of the nosebleeds after fast work. Could the snotty nose be a tooth problem? And whatever is going on, don't ignore the gungy eye. It may or may not be linked. If not, chronic conjunctivitus can lead to much worse eye problems. I'm surprised to have a diagnosis of COPD at this time of year. I would have expected it to be much worse during the winter when most horses are stabled for much longer. All these health problems together don't make for a happy picture. What about his daily routine and management? Is he a stressy ned? Any colicky symptoms? Loads of turnout? Company? His immune system's taking a daily hammering by the sounds of it and it wouldn't hurt to do something to help that eg supplements, Coligone, management. Good luck x


11 May 2009
personally the nosebleeds sound like EIPH - exercise induced pulmonary haemorrhage - something fairly common in race horses - but gutteral puch disease would be my main concern so would defo like that ruled out. usually horses with COPD if they are displaying lots of snot etc - would certainly have a cough - my c stallion has mild COPD he coughs worst towards the end of winter. others i have seen with it badly have runny eyes, permanent snotty nose and coughing up yellow mucous all the time. how about a second opinion from another vet perhaps???