Well-Known Member
My mare has added another cracker of an injury to her long list of self-harming merits. On Monday this week, she trapped her foot under a small gap under the metal siding of an outbuilding, cutting straight down into her hoof wall via the coronary band whilst getting her foot free. Thankfully I was there as it happened (in fact I was treating another issue as it happened..which she was fortunately on antibiotics for already) there was a reasonable amount of blood which thankfully stopped quickly, vet arrived within 45 mins of injury and cleaned and wrapped. The foot was x-rayed the following day and identified debris that was flushed out, potential small pedal bone fracture identified but the vet is optimistic this is an anomaly and not a result of this incident.
So far the wound on the coronet band is healing much faster than I anticipated, she has gone from non-weight bearing on Monday/Tuesday to walking soundly around her stable on 0.5g of bute twice daily. I'm hopeful the coronet wound will heal fine but unsure what to expect of the hoof wall, vet mentioned debridement of this section but I'm not sure if this would still be on the cards now the top wound seems so filled in, does anyone have experience of this type of injury? I wasn't sure if the internal structures below the surface of the hoof wall may be able to heal in a way that would be able to grow the broken section without much intervention?
See the image timeline below of the wounds progress so far, the vet is back on Monday to reassess. The top is from this morning, the middle from Friday, and the bottom was Tuesday, the day after the incident.
So far the wound on the coronet band is healing much faster than I anticipated, she has gone from non-weight bearing on Monday/Tuesday to walking soundly around her stable on 0.5g of bute twice daily. I'm hopeful the coronet wound will heal fine but unsure what to expect of the hoof wall, vet mentioned debridement of this section but I'm not sure if this would still be on the cards now the top wound seems so filled in, does anyone have experience of this type of injury? I wasn't sure if the internal structures below the surface of the hoof wall may be able to heal in a way that would be able to grow the broken section without much intervention?
See the image timeline below of the wounds progress so far, the vet is back on Monday to reassess. The top is from this morning, the middle from Friday, and the bottom was Tuesday, the day after the incident.