Cortisone Jabs


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
Kent - Garden of England
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I have just managed to reactivate my password so am busy posting threads....!
Does anyone know about cortisone injections? Am taking my mare to vets for an x-ray on her hock tomorrow morning because she has had a swelling on the joint for the last 6 weeks. Vet said scan may not show anything and x-ray would confirm whether there was any bone damage or not. Mare came in from the field with the swelling so not known if it was a kick or she twisted it herself. She has not shown lame in the whole six weeks apart form v. slight lameness on the affected leg following a flexion test. I had to box rest for the first 3-4 weeks but have been riding her out at walk on the road most days. Absolutely no reaction from her when her hock has been prodded and squeezed by me (and the vet) so really not sure what it is. Swelling has reduced (slight heat has all but gone) but vet suggested a cortisone jab to dispurse remaining fluid. My mare hates injections normally (annual booster is always a bit of a drama) so is it even less likely that a cortisone one could be stuck in her hock?


Well-Known Member
15 October 2004
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Hi there, what you are describing, I would imagine is a bog spavin. My horse developed one about 11 weeks ago and was not lame atall even after a flexion. I refused to have a cortisone jab as there are a few risks involved. If you would like to pm me I will reply in greater detail tomorrow when I have more time. My horse did however have the fluid drained, was injected with Adequan and was put on box rest. If I had my time again and my horse was sound, I really would leave well alone. If you want to talk to me pm and ill give you a contact number.


11 November 2004
Scottish Borders
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Cortizone can provide quick relief on a sore or inflamed joint but personally I would absolutely advise against it.

Cortisone has an adverse effect on bone and soft tissue healing. Corticosteroids inactivate vitamin D, limiting calcium absorption by the gastrointestinal tract, and increasing the urinary excretion of calcium. Bone also shows a decrease in calcium uptake with cortisone use, ultimately leading to weakness at the fibro-osseous junction. Corticosteroids also inhibit the release of Growth Hormone, which further decreases soft tissue and bone repair. Ultimately, corticosteroids lead to a decrease in bone, ligament, and tendon strength.

Put quite simply does more harm than good in the medium and long term.

I'd recommend good old fashioned rest and recouperation.


Well-Known Member
14 June 2004
North Yorks
My friends horse has just had one into his Coffin joint as well as what I presume is a synovial fluid type jab. The vet warned that the steroid one might cause Laminitis so she was very wary but went for it anyway.

Would you recommend then that she doesn't bother with the steroid one next time?


Well-Known Member
25 March 2003
East Anglia
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really are a hard decision , they do hae their benefits and there are lots of cases where they work but they can also make things work.

After trying many things and an operation on my boy he became unsound again this year and recently had his off fore coffin joint injected with coretesone and it has worked wonders. However the jab to help his off hind suspensory has actually made it worse.

The laminitus risk is the same whether they have 1 or 3 jabs but there is a limit as to how much can be injected at any one time.

Luckily for me the leg that got worse is getting better with time and carefuly managed light work.


Well-Known Member
14 June 2004
North Yorks
My friend will be really glad to hear that your horses coffin joint responded well to the cortisone jab as she has pretty much been told this is his last chance to come sound
She is so upset.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2005
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They wanted to inject the joint, when there was swelling? Sounds silly as you are dragging your needle through all that inflamed tissue.


25 September 2005
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I have a mare with a similar problem.She had a thouroghpin which my local vet said not to worry about.When she started to work the swelling grew massivly.I took her to a vet clinic and he scanned and saw nothing but when xrayed there was a boney lump which her tendon rubs on and causes irritation.She has had 2 jabs and it worked for a little while however because of the continuos irritation on her tendon and risk of tendon tear she is going for an operation.
I would say give the cortisone a try if that is what the vet recommends it depends on the results.