Well-Known Member
Ahhh! Thanks TFF - didn’t see the dates ??
Its my understanding that xrays are very subjective, they can be open to decide to in future I would definitely want him and I’d want X-rays.
Its my understanding that xrays are very subjective, they can be open to misinterpretation.
Vet and physio both said you can xray 10 horses, 8 can have degenerative changes, only 1 may be in pain.
Following a fall when I tripped, and my knee swelled and produced massive heat a few days later it was queried for septic arthritis and xrayed at A&E. I was told I had quite extensive arthritis in that joint. However I hadn't ever felt it.
So I'd never have known about it.
I should have worded it better. They have their place if you are trying to find an existing issue, so if your horse is lame and you xray the foot for example.I’m happy to be subjective myself on X-rays. I would never turn down X-rays if I was problem solving my own horses. I know enough to have the right people be subjective on my behalf.