Well-Known Member
My little TB, once he's schooled over a xc course, will generally go clear if there's a competition at the same venue, but if I try doing a comp at a venue he's never schooled at, he refuses every jump. I fell off today over hunter trail 80cm course because he lurched hideously over a jump at third attempt. Not very nice. He was orphaned at 3 months, he is so distracted by all the other horse at these things. I feel his mind isn't on the job and he seems stressed too. If I carry a schooling whip he's more likely to jump but I understand it has to be a short paddle whip for comps. I don't use spurs. Don't like them. He hadn't done much at all when I bought him as an 8 year old 3 years ago, and admittedly I'm not young nor am I as brave as I used to be. I just want to have fun popping round a xc course at a competition but I do wonder if I have to accept that he can't cope with a brand new venue and never before seen course . I also wonder if some horses are less brave than others. .