Well-Known Member
My mare has been very stiff and short footed on her front the last few weeks.
I noticed my saddle was slipping forward onto her shoulder when riding and she would get upset when I went to put the saddle on or shifted it about.
Had the saddle fitter out last Tuesday, a week after I stopped riding, different one to the last one who is also very reputable, who said my saddle wasn't the right fit for her at all and had such a small surface area on the front that sat next to her shoulder. He said it was a flared tree with teardrop type panels at the front which didn't work for her. My previous saddle fitter said it was a perfect fit and was her "lifetime" saddle so this still confuses me how their opinions vary so much. Anyway, I got a new saddle this week which fits nicely so far, although I still haven't ridden to give her some time off to get better.
Had physio last Saturday too which found her shoulders, especially the right hand side to be very sore but she moved a lot better afterwards although more noticeably lame just on the right side now, mildly but still there. The farrier also checked everything on Wednesday this week who couldn't find anything of concern.
She has also been on bute for 3 days to see if it helps but she still seems sore.
Finally, prior to all of this too, she had been wearing the Kool Koat Airstream which has left a balding line up her right shoulder where it has rubbed along the seam. It wasn't sore to the skin, just a general rug rub so didn't think it was a huge problem. Since physio though, I stopped putting it on just in case. I went to put it on last night and she was getting upset, moving away from it, not wanting it on which she only usually does when something is causing her pain. So now I'm thinking, is the right shoulder more sore because of the saddle alone and is it coincidence that the rug has rubbed on that side too or has the rug caused more harm than I thought?
Sorry, it's a long explanation to get to the main point but background was needed!
Just to note my reasons for having the rug on is because her coat is very fine and her white patches along her back can burn in the sun. I'm also pretty certain it isn't ulcers because I know her signs from before.
I'm still not riding her at the moment so I'm just taking her for short walks to keep the shoulder moving.
Thank you if you got this far! ?
Any advice appreciated!
I noticed my saddle was slipping forward onto her shoulder when riding and she would get upset when I went to put the saddle on or shifted it about.
Had the saddle fitter out last Tuesday, a week after I stopped riding, different one to the last one who is also very reputable, who said my saddle wasn't the right fit for her at all and had such a small surface area on the front that sat next to her shoulder. He said it was a flared tree with teardrop type panels at the front which didn't work for her. My previous saddle fitter said it was a perfect fit and was her "lifetime" saddle so this still confuses me how their opinions vary so much. Anyway, I got a new saddle this week which fits nicely so far, although I still haven't ridden to give her some time off to get better.
Had physio last Saturday too which found her shoulders, especially the right hand side to be very sore but she moved a lot better afterwards although more noticeably lame just on the right side now, mildly but still there. The farrier also checked everything on Wednesday this week who couldn't find anything of concern.
She has also been on bute for 3 days to see if it helps but she still seems sore.
Finally, prior to all of this too, she had been wearing the Kool Koat Airstream which has left a balding line up her right shoulder where it has rubbed along the seam. It wasn't sore to the skin, just a general rug rub so didn't think it was a huge problem. Since physio though, I stopped putting it on just in case. I went to put it on last night and she was getting upset, moving away from it, not wanting it on which she only usually does when something is causing her pain. So now I'm thinking, is the right shoulder more sore because of the saddle alone and is it coincidence that the rug has rubbed on that side too or has the rug caused more harm than I thought?
Sorry, it's a long explanation to get to the main point but background was needed!
Just to note my reasons for having the rug on is because her coat is very fine and her white patches along her back can burn in the sun. I'm also pretty certain it isn't ulcers because I know her signs from before.
I'm still not riding her at the moment so I'm just taking her for short walks to keep the shoulder moving.
Thank you if you got this far! ?
Any advice appreciated!