Could you ever....

Crazy Friesian

Well-Known Member
7 April 2008
Safely tucked away...
"Replace" a horse you have had for a long time....

Following on from another discussion (started by Eaglestone
) Could you ever "replace" a horse you have had for a long time. I'm talking about those "horse in a million" The kind you have had the privilege of knowing (time isn't a factor) have often asked yourself "why" but you could never be without...

My old man and I have been together for 20 years now. We have had some good times, bad times, VERY lean times, tears, laughter, frustration, desperation, gone grey from worry, raged against the world (ok parents and later on OH) over vet bills, rugs etc, etc etc.
But you wouldn't have changed it for the world.

But could you ever conceive "replacing" them...

I now have a Friesian youngster. Whilst I love him to bits and he is my Prince Charming, Con will always be Captain of my heart and every decision I make has him at the centre of it... *roll eyes*
Its the one area that no-one in my house will cross me on.
(I would put photo's up but haven't figured that one out yet...

Echo Bravo

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6 August 2009
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The love of my life was my old skewbald Merlin whom I had the pleasure of owning for 22 years and I've owned horses since, they have each been characters in their own right and I've loved each dearly but he was the one for me, good times and really bad times.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2006
West Sussex
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I want to hear people's responses on this one, as I cannot ever see any horse replacing Motor, and tbo there would not be enough years left in me for that to happen, I do not think

We have been through everything together, and through battles in his youth, neither of us 'won' we just came to an understanding ..... it took me 2 years to feel that we both got to this understanding

Crazy Friesian

Well-Known Member
7 April 2008
Safely tucked away...
I want to hear people's responses on this one, as I cannot ever see any horse replacing Motor, and tbo there would not be enough years left in me for that to happen, I do not think

We have been through everything together, and through battles in his youth, neither of us 'won' we just came to an understanding ..... it took me 2 years to feel that we both got to this understanding

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep this is kinda the place we have got to as well. What Con wants, he gets. It is easier for all of us. He is just the dotty ol' man who wanders round the yard until it is time for bed. He investigates everything, "pinches" other horses hay from their stables, follows the wheelbarrow around when you are mucking out, yells and bangs the stable if I dare to be late for breakfast... (bedroom looks out to the stables)
Pan (the baby) backs him up...


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6 September 2008
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i had this conversation this very afternoon with a lovely lady down my yard, and i said i would never be able to find another Joe he is truly one in a million, i will have other horses after him but none of them will every live up to him or what he has done for me he is my horse of a lifetime.


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
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No horse will come close to my old girl, happily retired and keeps the stallion or the youngsters company (bullies and put them in their place with manners). She is prob the most grumpy and contrary horse i have ever owned but she has been there for days of joy, laughter, tears, upset and every other emotion you go through.
I have a foal out of her and a few other horses but she is and always will be number 1


Well-Known Member
30 April 2007
The royal county
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No-one (no horse? Nothing? not sure which is right.
) will ever replace any of mine - they are all so very different and special in their own ways.

I adore my old man because he is who he is and we've been together so long. He is irreplaceable.

But I love my other two too. And, when their time comes, I will be inconsolable.

But I will almost certainly have another horse/s (age and health permitting! Dom's only 9 if he makes 34 too I might well be past it!
) but they will not be replacements just new friends to enjoy life with.


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1 May 2007
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Nothing ever replaces any single horse or pony - they're all different.

I would have said that my friend's son had a pony in a million and that he would never have had another friend like her. They bought her about 6 months ago. My friend's son is 6 and she was 8. Love at first sight and a perfect match.

Yesterday she was found dead in the field - a great start to the new year.

Nothing will ever replace her, but let's all hope that he find's another horse in a million at some point in his life, otherwise what on earth is it all about?


No, I don't think I could ever 'replace' a horse. I can have another, a fantastic horse, but it would never 'replace' another.


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4 October 2009
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Yep this is kinda the place we have got to as well. What Con wants, he gets. It is easier for all of us.

[/ QUOTE ]

^^^^ This makes me ALOL ^^^^

I said exactly the same to my friend the other day about one of mine! Sammi is 16, owned him for 13 years. Rox is coming up 2, owned him for just under a year. I haven't had long with Rox yet, I love him to bits, but he isn't a patch on Sammi.
Sammi is my one and only, I would give anything to have my time all over again with him - he's my world!!

I bought Rox a new grooming kit and felt bad I hadn't got one for Sammi - so I bought him an even better one
*rolls eyes* I felt guilty - simples! My friend and I were discussing it, and I said the same as crazyfriesian, what Sammi wants he gets, he can have anything he wants
Rox however - I begrudge spending on him, he gets the essentials, no expense spared!!!

When I have children, I hope I don't favour any of them like that - my parenting skills will be of some concern otherwise lol!!


Well-Known Member
12 August 2008
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Interesting Post.

I think we all have had or have our horses of a lifetime and it is difficult for any other horse to live up to this ideal very much like trying to replace the love of your life.

My horse of a Lifetime was Marti who I owned in Cyprus. He was an 8 year old OTTB who was taken out of a starvation Paddock and re-trained to be a general riding horse.

He used to love competing with me in Dressage and jumping but his first love was as to go ride outside. We used to ride for hours and hours alone up in the mountains.

I had the absolute joy of renting a house on the yard where he was kept so he was the first thing I saw in the morning and the last thing I saw at night.

I adored that horse and he would do anything for me we had that wonderful click and trusted each other totally.

When I met my partner and being with him necessitated a move to the Netherlands I was hell bent on bringing Marti with me.

Marti was now rising 17 and having looked into the logistics of getting him to Holland (10 days over land and sea) and the realisation that this horse that had had been born and bred in Cyprus with an average temperature of 30 degrees and lived outside 24/7 would not take well to lving in a country where the temperatures could go down to -15 in the winter and would have to be stabled and only turned out for 6 - 8 hours a day I took the decision to do the best thing for him and place him out on loan as long as he stayed at the yard of my best friend.

I now own Vardi who is an amazing youngster who has bags of personality, tries so hard and has been through so much in the time I have owned him but I hate to admit this he still isn't Marti and never will be.

This all came to a head in October when I was having a discussion with my trainer about how whilst I liked Vardi I did not feel that I had truly bonded with him and she (being the blunt Dutchwoman she is!!!) said "You have never given him the chance to bond with you as you are constantly measuring him up to your old horse and he will of course come up wanting, you have to let it go and open your heart to him"

Brought up short I made a decision Marti will always be the horse I love we did so much together had so much fun and he made me feel safe but he was now 3 thousand miles away and Vardi was here and deserved to be allowed to get close. I have opened up and made an effort to spend some time every day with him if only just standing in his stable with him chatting and slowly the bond is building and he is making me smile.

Every time I ride him he surprises me he has so much talent and so much desire to learn and please and yes every time I get off him I feel more safe and confident in him.

On New Years Day I went down with my Husband to the stables to see him and do a few odd jobs it was -5 and I had the hangover from hell as we stopped the car Vardi was out in the School with the other geldings he stopped playing raised his head whickered at our car and came crashing over to the fence as we walked along the path toward the stables he came trotting down next to us whickering away which made me feel warm and slightly tearful then I had a thought "This is my Horse". When we were in the stable one of the other liveries said " he never takes his eyes off you all the time you are here does he"

So to cut this rambling post short - To replace a much loved and trusted horse is difficult near on impossible but it can be done if you are prepared to let the new horse in to make his mark.

Marti Chilling out in his Paddock in Cyprus

Vardi Stepping into a Big pair of Shoes but Doing it Well


Well-Known Member
16 October 2006
Herts, UK
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I don't think you can ever replace a horse with another, you love each horse for itself. I do think you can have more than one horse of a lifetime though as what you want from a potential equine partner changes.

Gleeful Imp

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28 September 2004
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Agree that you can't replace - its about having the room in your heart for another, and appreciating the different things each brings into your life. I have (quite literally I'm afraid) screamed at the sky for taking away my beloved Piglet, and my Henry Rose, for crippling Whisper (my baby girl) and then Tom. But George has brought something else to my life. If I could go back, I would have loved to have Pig grow old with me (blimey I lost her 8 years ago but "if only" still makes me cry), but I love George dearly and couldn't bear to be without him either.
