Counter (or table) surfing!


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23 September 2021
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My whippet is unfortunately very athletic and can 'pop' up to walk around the kitchen worktops and she doesn't need anything to climb up 🙄

Also, being a whippet, she is always 100% confident in her choices and laughs in the face of a telling off- she has weighed it up and stealing is worth being told off for.

So nothing ever left out, apart from my stepdad cannot get his head around this, so he regularly gets his lunch stolen.
I have no sympathy as he seems harder to train than the dog.
I can identify with your situation! Many years ago, I had an Afghan Hound and a German Shepherd. They used to work as a team - Shepherd was the brawn, Afghan Hound was the brains: we had an old fashioned larder pantry with a door loop and put a thumb on the push down top bit. Shepherd used to stand watch and distract the advancing human and Afghan used to stand on his back legs and use his long nose to push down the pantry lock's top thumb release. Then both join up to distract/herd the human elsewhere. Mission A accomplished, Mission B initiated: remove all edibles and drinkable. Meat, cheese, butter, margarine, milk. Everything else spread over the pantry floor to examine for potential. Some things were eaten immediately, others hastily buried in the orchard - Paddington Bear style "For Later!".
The children were invariably blamed, and sometimes the indoor staff - but never to their faces. They would have given notice and stormed off. Mother's watch words were " The mark of a lady is that she can keep help." She never lost one.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Haaaa 😂 loving these stories. Mine had a slow cooked joint of gammon that my then boyfriend had left on the kitchen counter to cool. Pulled the whole thing down, smashed the plate, and legged it out the dog flap, dragging the joint with him. Ex was fuming, I nearly died laughing 🤣🤣


18 September 2007
Down the lane.
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My first greyhound took the weetabix out of the bowl as Mr R reached for the milk.

The last one would filch butter at any and every opportunity.

The last GSD had to have the bin rigged up so when she dived into it, after Mr R had gone out to milk the cows, a tin tray and all the sets of keys hit the deck with a heck of a racket. I had not been warned and was still in bed. I met the GSD running my way as I entered the kitchen. She never went in the bin again. It took a while for me to forgive Mr R for the lack of warning.


Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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My childhood dog dragged/pushed a kitchen chair over to the counter to hop up and eat a whole loaf of freshly baked bread overnight. He was absolutely parched when dad went down the next morning.