Covid Fried my Brain

Armchair Eventer

Active Member
8 March 2021
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The last time I posted I had a little Haflinger share. The teenage owner basically wanted someone to muck out and keep her ticking over during the winter and she then moved yards ahead of A levels and went for 24 hour turn out. I then rode an elderly bucking Section D. I went on my first work related trip since the start of the pandemic in April, got Covid. It's clearly fried my brain as I bought Taz (Whitley Village Fantasia - Connie x TB) and resigned from my job to do something completely different


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Armchair Eventer

Active Member
8 March 2021
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Congratulations. He's gorgeous. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures together.
We are not planning anything grand as she has slightly arthritic hocks. Some fun rides, maybe some low level dressage if I can get her trot sorted out. The aim is just to have fun. She loves her polework as well, recommended by the physio as well so there's an excuse to up the game there.