Craigie Report -debut galloping mammoth


Well-Known Member
11 June 2006
Fife, Scotland
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Well took the big guy to his first XC - was a bit worried by it being rather twisty in the middle of course.
Had opted for the 2' class even though we are doing 2'6" - 2'9" in trainings new there would be tanoys and fleeing ponios to watch out for and of course the scary fence judges!
He came of the lorry 50 foot high! Eyes in stalks - all very exciting - was being a bit rude TBH with friends hubby hanging onto him! Some rears!
Had to then get on snorting beastie - and try calm him down - all rather exciting and had a struggle to get some control in practice ring - thankfully it was quite quiet - apologies if I got in anyones way.

Did go to start when I was rather out of puff! Start box was another thing to have snorting issues with! Honestly he is usually all very sensible. Anyway off we went - not very straight and gawping at everything! But clambered over the first 2 - had a stop at 3 - my fault as he could have gone from a standstill - was just getting thrown around a bit by all the gawking and spooking. Anyway got around the rest of the woods not too bad - mainly trotted as he was quite strong! Got into field and still a bit sppooky but a bit better as now home ward bound.
The water was ok - walked in - then left via the left hand side - came back in and left through correct gates! Got home in a better fashion than the start - just a bit of wobble at white bag fence! Darent let him go to much as would have been off with the gawping and also no brakes!
All in all - very happy with him - just shown that you cant take any horse for granted - he is normally very sensible and has been in our training days. Glad we done the 2' class as was right for him as we clambered over a few whilst gawping ! Just now need a few more little runs to get him used to all the excitement.

I was absolutely cream crackered at the end though! think Cloudy was ready to go again!

Dread seeing the pics as we will be a bit all over the place..............
Onwards though - ... Hope everyone else had a great day too


Well-Known Member
7 June 2010
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Well done! It is always better to be safe than sorry with XC heights - now you both have had a positive experience the next time should be a bit less exciting...! :)

Roasted Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
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Well Done :) I was in that class on the baby pony, we were having spooks and naps as well, shed never seen a XC fence before that day lol :D

Was a nice wee course for starting them off :D