Creepy "Incidents"...


Well-Known Member
12 November 2006
<font color="339999"> Here's one... Didn't happen to me, but rather my mum: She was about 10, and on her exmoor pony, hacking down a really quiet country lane. There was a cyclist behind her, and he'd been there for about 15 minutes, and hadn't said a word. She asked him what was wrong. No reply. She decided to trot. The cyclist kept up pace for pace. Eventually, she got a little bit spooked, so turned off onto a bridle way. The cyclist followed. She knew for sure now that she was follwing her, so kicked her exmoor (prince philip cup pony!) into a slow canter. The cyclist still followed about a few metres behind. After a few minutes she galloped, and he tried really hard to keep up, but gave up after a while.

Scary, huh? o___o My other one was my friend was at the yard, in the huge barn, all by herself apart from her mum, and suddenly there was a 'power cut'. They managed to find the torch though, and when they looked at the control panel the wires had been severed.

So, tell all of the scary things that have happened to you on horseback! And tell me how you 'escaped' x3 </font>


Well-Known Member
20 November 2005
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i live near borley ( reported to be one of the most haunted places in england ) the horses always always would be on there toes whenever we hacked past the particular day we were hacking up the road towards the church and there was this bloke looking along the grass verge ,we asked him what he was doing, he replied that he had lost his car keys, so being kids we helped him look without getting off the ponies, did this for a few mins then left him to it....nothing to unusual about that but further up the road we looked back ,he was still there....NO CAR whatsoever in sight!! and thinking about it ,how would he have lost car keys on a grass verge anyway! still we were all of 12 yrs old and didnt know any better back then! lol


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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Thankfully I have had no such creepy incidents (touch wood), but I do sometimes think to myself how mad it is when I am walking down the country lane in the pitch black first thing in the morning to do my horse in a field with nothing vulnerable am I really??? I don't know but the thing is you have to get on with it or you would do nothing with your's a sad world at times.


Well-Known Member
12 November 2006
Yeah... My friend (even more paranoid then me!) carries a hunting crop when she turns her lot out at night... She usually says that it's to stop the horses barging her, but she told me it was really to whack strange men over the head with! XD (I pity their vet's early morning visits)


Well-Known Member
15 December 2003
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I remember riding out in the dark on my old pony, only down the bridle paths that we go down everyday, we turned around to come back, went up a stretch we call a gallop stretch, i walked though, noone else was around. in the distance i heard a horse snorting and galloping up where i was but there was nothing there, i heard it right next to me and carried on, horse spooked as could hear it go straight past us, i swear i have never pooped my pants.

Before now aswell when i have rode out with friends in dark down paths, we was coming down this hill. i was lead file and i could see somebody stood at the bottom when we got closer disappeared and then looked back to tell friend and the same person was stood at the top of the hill, we pooped ourselves and cantered home,


Well-Known Member
16 June 2006
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Well I wasn't on my horse but I was in my riding gear on my way home from the stables aged about 14/15. The bus driver (40ish man) started chatting to me and asked me if I could teach him to ride and then tried to get me to stay on the bus until the terminal where he would drive me home in his car. Fortunately I had the sense to say no but probably more due to the fact that I would be late for dinner rather than I thought anything would happen to me.


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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i live near borley ( reported to be one of the most haunted places in england ) t

[/ QUOTE ]

Borley rectory!!!! I've read about it! Sounds very creepy!

I was out riding in the forestry one night, I'd have been maybe 17 and had one of the kids from the farm with me, and we came across a police car in the woods and a couple of officers got out of the car and asked if we'd seen a bloke they described to us, on a mountain bike.

We said no but did they want us to look out for him and say they were looking..."NO! Don't approach him, he's dangerous!" and then let us go...

Another night a full dog team and search and rescue unit were out, we were intrigued but not worried, until I got home and said we'd seen them out on excercise, must have been practising... only to be told, they don't DO practices at night.

Our woods must be great hiding places!


Well-Known Member
12 November 2006
I'd love to work with police horses or dogs x3

Let me see... Once we were in the marshes near three cliffs, me, my two sisters (9 and 12) and some friends kiddies. (one the same age as me, three really little ones), and this policeman came up to us.

Now the marshes are SCARY. It was about 4pm, and they're always misty at that time, and in some places the grass is nearly head hight. A real hound-of-the-baskervilles sort of place, in the middle of no-where.

So this policeman came up to us and said something like. "Have you seen a tall man with brown hair?" No. "If you see him, don't approach him." Kay. "Go straight home now." Kay. "Would you like an escort." No.

We weren't scared at all at the time o_o


Well-Known Member
15 December 2003
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That has happened to me before as well, and when i was walking to the yard i had someone pull up and said do i want a lift into town i said no and he got really angry and shouted at me to get in the car, i said no and ran off but he followed me so i ran into local shop, Near my yard there is a car park and people meet and do drugs and is notorious for dogging and things like that, Hate walking through as people start flashing lights xx


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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Yes, when I was twelve I was hacking on a country lane alone.

A man stopped his van and got out. He stood unzipping himself and proceed to ...... I did'nt know exactly what he was doing but knew it was wrong and took his number and reported him to the police. He did'nt approach me and I just hurried home.

The police went to his work and reported him and told his wife, as he had no record they said he should be shamed into not trying it again.

Not until I was older did I realise what he'd been doing!!!


Well-Known Member
9 July 2006
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Last night I was at the yard - it was relatively quiet and i went to fill up some haynets in this small shed/barn type building which is behind a row of stables - it's got lighting inside but it's very dark outside it and it's also exposed (as on the top of a hill)

it's rather spooky

anyway i was stood there filling haynets up and suddenly heard something move behind me - so i thought it's just the wind - but i looked around expecting to see a rat or something - nothing

but as soon as i had looked around it felt like someone was watching me and i got goosebumps

i finished doing the nets and walked back to my stable all the way back i felt like someone was walking right behind me - even felt like i had hands on my shoulders at one point -

it was sooo creepy


Well-Known Member
21 February 2006
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There seems to be a common thread of young girls on their ponies getting flashed at! Maybe we should all club together and sue for Post Traumatic Stress or something?


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
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Some time ago I lived in Derbyshire and our field was on the other side of the lane to our house. Lying in bed one night, I could hear horses hooves trotting down the lane and what sounded like cart wheels. Jumped out of bed as I thought my horses had got out of their field and looked out to see my two horses standing stock still in their field looking towards the end part of the lane which was a dead end. In the morning I asked my elderly neighbour if he had heard anything - he replied he often heard a horse and cart going past as years ago the lane had been a route that prisoners had been taken over Spooky or what.


Well-Known Member
5 July 2005
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At the farm where i have just movced george to, there has been a body found halfway down the drive (drive is about a mile long and very dark and creepy) hacked up and wrapped in back binliners. Also a young farm lad was killed on the farm, and the farm helper we have now swears he is still around......could be just trying to scare me with that though.


Well-Known Member
5 July 2005
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Naa don't bother me, everywhere old has a history. I guess the body on the lane was dumped there because we are next to the river mersey ands they realised that the old track has been borded up so they cant get down there any more.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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ive been followed up a country lane ( to yard) by a creep who was looking at my hunter weelies and told me i had dirt on them and could he wipe them for me - advances with outstretched hand - i leg it (surprisingly fast in wellies

another time was riding in woods with a friend and we were flashed, friend shouted it looked like a willie but smaller then we fled, then horses wouldnt go over a bridge and we were terrified he was following us


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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i remember watching american werewolf in london years ago, the bit where the locals are saying dont leave the path - remembered it when riding in the dark on the moors when id lost the path, getting nervous and jumped a mile when i heard a cough right by me - was a sheep


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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*Make the guy buy them all new horsies, superexpensive saddlery, pay for their livery, and pay for them to go on a 'healing' holiday to a hotel *

i could take being flashed at if they then were forced by the courts to buy me a nice yearling ive seen!


Well-Known Member
21 June 2005
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I used to live in Mid Wales and lived in an isolated cottage within it's own valley which was 7 miles from the nearest village. My nearest neighbour was about 3 miles away. The track from the village forked and one track went to me and another to the other isolated cottage. The farmer in the isolated cottage at the end of the other track was found murdered. They brought in a special team of army trackers to find the person responsible for the murder but never found him. It could have been me that got murdered!