Creepy "Incidents"...


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22 June 2004
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I was at a local gymkhana thing in the summer, I was sat on Spring and ready to hack home but was stood on my own while my friend tacked her horse up. I noticed this guy in my peripheral vision hanging about near us. I catch his eye and then look away, next minute he is at Spring's shoulder stroking her and asking me about her. I reply the usual things but see in his face that he obviously doesn't have a clue what I am on about but just keeps staring at me. Springy (who usually loves everyone) was getting a bit gittery about him and kept moving away from him but he hangs around for a good 5 minutes not speaking just staring at me, eventually my OH comes over (has been helping friend tack up) and the guy turns around and wanders off, as I watch him leave I notice that he has well urm... *whispers - leaked all down his trousers

No wonder Spring wanted to get away!

Also met a very creepy guy whilst walking a dog down a quiet footpath, he kept chatting and following me and trying to get me to walk the same way as him, I'm not usually paranoid about meeting people when on my own but was so worried poor doggie had a 2 hour walk to go the long way and avoid meeting him again, sods law that I had forgotten my phone on that occaision too. He really creeped me out, he may have been innocent enough but I just felt really vulnerable and unsafe!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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This happened the other night, I was filling up the wheelbarrow full of straw, and no-one else was about, except my dad feeding at the very top of the farm. It was almost dark and I saw something in the sheep pens next to me move. I cacked my pants, stood sweating and shaking, frozen with fear. Was it a rat? I told myself it had to be a huge bloody rat, and proceeded to pluck up the courage to threaten whatever it was with the pitchfork.
It was the farm cat.

I frighten a few people in the mornings though. I always wrap up warm and in my huge coat and dark hat pulled over my ears I guess I do look like a bloke! Neighbours daughter was out walking her dog this morning and as i approached she ran over the other side of the road away from me. Poor girl must have been terrified in the half light! (I did shout that it was only me after).


Well-Known Member
20 November 2005
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dunno what it is with flashers, must be all the leather! reminded me of an incident we had with a flasher many years ago, trotting up a road (same one that leads up to the church as it happens) guy flashes at us, cool as cucumber i said to him, you ought to get that looked at ,theres something wrong with it!!! , mate was laughing so much she fell off her horse!!!

coppertop...borley rectory ,can tell you some stories about that place but thats a whole new thread!!!


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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I've read quite a bit about it, burnt down mysteriously didn't it? And writing on the walls that is very old and not many can understand, and I think a nun haunting it?

I used to really be in to reading up on the paranormal, we for instance have a ghost pack of hounds near here that are featured in a book of genuine ghost stories. Plus as we have a Priory in our town, we have the obligatory black monk.

Too many to mention really! Other than the stables where I started out keeping my first pony wer definately haunted by a an old miner, I saw him! The stables were the old pit stables for the iron mine in the hills behind. I have LOTS of creepy tales about that place!


Well-Known Member
22 October 2003
Greater Manchester
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I had an "incident" about this time last year.
Had moved onto a new yard and it was going dark one night, and was on my own.
Went into Jess's stable to feed and i heard the kick bolt go down behind me.
Cursed a bit, jumped over the stable door and went to get my net.
Went back in, first checking to bolt was was securely in it's keeper, shut the door and heard the bolt go again. Jumped over the door again and looked around to see if anyone was about.
Shrugged it of and went to do William, opened the door, checked the bolt, left the door ajar, went in, door shut behind me, top bolt shut and kick bolt flicked over.
Well as you can imagine, i was over that door faster than sh*t off a shovel!!
Heard the bin lids rattle in the feed room so breathed a big sigh of relief and went to see who the prankster was....... no one there.
Decided enough was enough and went to sit in the car until someone else arrived.
As i was walking off the yard past the house the elderly lady who lived there was pulling in in her car. She asked how i was settling in and i told her what had happened. She said "oh they are playing with you, they don't mean any harm"
When i ask who, she told me some children in the 1800s had died in the hall and every now and then they get up to mischief!!!
I asked other people on the yard and they had had similar experiences, i never believed in ghosts and ghouls up to that point, but 3 days later i moved back to my old yard!


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Great, now Im totally freaked out. You buggers!! I get petrified walking across the road to my horses to do them in the evenings in the pitch black. Bloody scary!

Had one spooky as hell incident happen on horseback - was riding out with a friend at her yard (which was believed to be haunted anyway..... weird stuff happened there all the time, I believe the owner moved because of it.....!). Anyway, we were riding through a field right by the yard. There was a tractor sitting in the middle of the field (dont know where the farmer was or why he'd left it right there), it had those blade spinner things on the back (that turn hay). The tractor wasnt on, just sitting there. We were just chatting and suddenly we noticed the blades were spinning! My friend told me thats not possible without the engine going. Crap! We watched it and started going closer, horses getting a bit spooked. The blades seemed to get faster as we approached. Then suddenly stopped dead! That was it. It was just odd. We were about 13 at the time so of course we were petrified. Although Id prefer to have these weird things happen when I was with my horses as somehow they are comforting! And you know that at least you could gallop away pretty quick.

Im a total woose about ghosty things. I am the most paranoid person! I do worry about weird men.... but only because some of my male 'friends' decided to spook me one night. They knew I was on my own in the house (nearest house is a mile away) so pretended to try and break in!!! All I heard was feet on the gravel running about and then the door handle going. Jeezus, I was absolutely wetting myself. Was SO about to call the police and hide. But when they started banging on the door I thought Id try and scare them off by screaming out the window for them to bugger off! They stood there shocked saying "its only us, joke.". I was so mad. I was shaking for like 2 hours after. So now Im paranoid of people braking in!