Well-Known Member
Pony has suddenly got very cresty (well, it seems sudden - its probably been creeping up for a few weeks
Crest is solid and pony is verging on fat.
Have brought her in off the grass tonight - pulses are normal and she's not lame but obviously we need weight loss boot camp asap.
Now, dilemma is this - she's turned out with my yearling who is quite lean and needs all the help she can get
Pony flatly refuses to wear a muzzle.
So, what's my best course of action for the next month or so? Fence a paddock for pony and put hay out for yearling as she will invariably stand beside her buddy or limit turnout to mornings and stable for the rest of the time?
(Pony can't be ridden / worked due to old injury)
Crest is solid and pony is verging on fat.
Now, dilemma is this - she's turned out with my yearling who is quite lean and needs all the help she can get
So, what's my best course of action for the next month or so? Fence a paddock for pony and put hay out for yearling as she will invariably stand beside her buddy or limit turnout to mornings and stable for the rest of the time?
(Pony can't be ridden / worked due to old injury)