Cubbing post ban?


Well-Known Member
7 June 2011
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Has none of the pro-hunters here got a mind of his/her own?

Not to worry, help is at hand. I thought the introduction is particularly apt:

"One big problem a lot of people have is that they slip into thinking of themselves as victims that have little or no control over their lives. In this headspace you feel sorry for yourself, the world seems to be against you and you get stuck. Little to no action is taken and you get lost in a funk of sadness and self-pity."

Just think, you could take Claire on a journey of group therapy to overcome this debilitating affliction.

Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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Those who are pro-hunting, who are determined to argue with those who are staunchly opposed, are on a hiding to nothing. It's a completely pointless waist of time, as the views of both sides are so entrenched as to make any form of progress impossible.

Most of the Antis have no interest whatsoever in wildlife, but argue from the point of view of their perceived class structure, and offer puerile arguments with no interest in resolve.

It must be obvious to all that Pault and the rest of his curious but occasionally entertaining friends, are only interested in mischief and they have no interest in considering the views of those who's lives they do their best to disrupt. They seem to me to only be interested in forms of wildlife protection which are actually counter productive and through their blinkered and distorted view of the world, they seem to cause more distress than those who hunt.

I refuse to debate with imbeciles, and I would suggest that those of you who follow my example will save a deal of your time. It's your choice, but do bear in mind that you are being toyed with. Play into their hands if you wish, it's your choice.

Good night.



Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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Well said Alec. I would also suggest that there is nothing to add to a vacuum so therefore any further 'discussion' is a you say pointless.