Cure for Horse Running backwards


Well-Known Member
26 May 2006
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Ahh, a problem I know all too well. My horse has a tendency to do this (she is also 3/4 thoroughbred) and can be quite a stroppy madam at that although she doesn't rear with it. I think that with her it is a combination of being unsure, getting herself unsettled and then blowing her brain. I know how annoying it is when you are at a show trying to get into the ring but your horse is backing up into a tractor (stationary one) and people say 'mind the tractor she will hurt herself', do they think we're going backwards for the good of our health? Do they not think I would stop her if I could? (very annoying).

I have found that the only way to stop her is to be very still, calm and quiet. If there is room to turn her around then I do so that she is walking backwards but in the direction I want her to go (yes I have backed up into cross country boxes before and have attempted it into show jumping rings but there are usually too many people in the way crowding around the entrance for my attempts to be effective, why do they do that?)

If she really has her mind set on it then she can canter sideways whist I'm trying to turn but she does eventually stop, we sit quietly, take a few steps in a different direction and get back on course. When I'm out hacking it has taken me 5 minutes or so of pratting around just to walk down a hill, she is quite happy to back up into anything whether it be a tree, fence, tractor (stationary one), gate etc and then she seems shocked when she touches it.

Keep working at it, try not to stand still for too long because this makes them bored and that is when my horse becomes worse, all the while she is being asked to work in the warm-up or walk around the start box she is fine. Good luck with it all, I would always say take the calm approach because if you make a fuss about it then your horse will think that there is something to get stressed about, try to have a calming influence, I know it's hard!


Well-Known Member
11 January 2002
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Hmmm, a horrible & potentially dangerous problem. First things first - I would get him out & about as much as possible. It sounds to me as if it blew his mind (you said that didn't you?) & you need to get him to the point that it's no big deal asap. If possible, I would take him to really busy, buzzing places but ON FOOT - don't bother riding him at all. Let him hang out at the trailer with a haynet (not left on his own, obviously!), chill out, take it all in, then lead him over to the warm up & again let him take it all in until, if anything, he's bored. Do that as many times as you can.

As you suggest, hand-picking quiet events for the ridden sessions is ideal, but however low-key they are, do lunge him first - it really does make a difference to their adrenaline levels. If you can lunge AT the event, that's even better.

The XC you went to - did it have a PA system by any chance? It may have been that that caused the problem (if so - you need to set something up at home!).

Re advice on what to do when he's backing up - to be honest, by the time he's doing that he's stopped listening to you so you can probably do pretty much what you want, to no effect... However, the yelling/kicking route probably compounds his view of a highly stressful situation. If it were me, I would loosen my rain contact & (try to) do nothing. When he stops, I would back him up a few strides (not too many - could upset him more), make him stand & then give him a pat & a 'good boy' then walk him on forwards.

That said, I would wear spurs as emergency back-up - if I thought he was going to cause an accident (backing up to a car/ditch etc), I would KICK him forwards with the spurs. OK, some people won't like that & it probably won't help to solve the problem but you do potentially have a dangerous problem there.

My action plan would be to desensitise him - i.e. get him out as much as possible. Calm him with a herbal calmer plus lunging & trying NOT to compound the problem with lunge whips & dramas.

Hope you get it sorted.