Current economic climate in the UK horse industry


Well-Known Member
4 July 2005
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Hello everybody, i would like to ask peoples thoughts on this subject, i myself have owned horses for around 15 years, i currently have two horses at the min...but i have now come to the conclusion that i really need to sell them.

The reason being is that I can not keep up with the rising costs of horse ownership, infact the thought of yet another farrier increase, 4x 4 taxation, vets ect makes me quite nervous.

I am looking at magazines and some cracking horses are for sale at very low prices, many yards, tackshops and horse related businesses are closing down or up for sale

So what are everybodys thoughts on this is the UK horse industry coming into a recessional period ? Or what do people think is happening with the industry

Thanks x


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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I couldn't afford any of my horses if I didn't have my own yard.

If you sold one could you then run to keep the other one ? Hard decision but if you've worked so hard for the 2 it then seems a shame to have none (and you know you'll be bored rigid and unhappy going back to riding school type horses - if you can still find a riding school.......!!!!)

Any chance of taking on sharers ? Lots of people want to have a horse but cannot afford one - and with the shortage of riding schools you may find someone to share the costs - maybe half of one horse is better than none ?

The very very posh yards are all full - the ones that were in that feature in nag and dog recently. So there IS money out there.

The number and price of horses for sale in the UK is also down to the fact that people buying horses have been brainwashed (sorry - I'm a UK breeder) into thinking that they can only get a 'good' horse if they go abroad. They are prepared to pay 40k for a horse they can label 'imported from Germany/holland/whatever' and yet refuse to pay 5k for a better, british bred, horse !!! (and one that will probably stay sounder for longer - rant on/off)

The PClub market for kids and ponies is still bouyant - and that is what I pitch my yard at and it's always full. Have a look at the number of kids horsey 'designer' clothing and saddle pads, etc there is about - and the market for pony trailers is still good.

The horsebox suppliers (judging by the number of people who got burnt in recent cases reported in nag and dog) seem to be selling these posh lorries as well. Plenty of them around me with designer paint jobs.

It seems to be the 'run of the mill' 'riding club' dedicated horse owner that is caught in the middle and that is a reflection of the policies of this Gov. that is aiming to 'suck up' to the rich to get money out of them (and provide lordships in return) and to ship money to the fringes and the low paid (who are already on benefits paid for by the few remaining taxpayers) and the Gov. that have a stated and well oiled policy of hitting the average, middle class, middle wage earner for their taxes, stealth taxes, car taxes, congestion charging, etc etc etc (don't get me onto the subject of speed cameras and taxation).

So I think you are a reflection of the 'kick the middle classes' as abrogated by Gorgon Brown.

Anyone in the horse world that is reliant on that market IS suffering.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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I would say the opposite in many ownership and the recreational side of horse riding is fast on the increase according to stats and the BHS. More and more people seem able to buy and keep horses because more and more places are offering facilities for farmers diversifying into livery yards etc.
From a competing point of view that too seems to be on the increase in all disciplines. In the 3 years I have lived in derbyshire there have been 6/7 extra horses appear in separate families. Some of these people hunt, compete and others just hack out on their horses.
It is a stupid threat that 4x4 tax will go up so much there would be a public outcry if they tried to do that. I don't think it will be as severe as the press are saying at all...yes it is bound to increase because 4x4 drivers are an easy target...but it will be in line with everything else.
It is a shame that you feel you might have to sell your horses and I hope you do not have to...but I don't know your circumstances to comment. We will have to see how things go I suppose but I would say that as this industry becomes more popular organisations are trying to get a share of the profits by charging for horsey related services that they should not expensive car parking costs for horse boxes and charging for horse riders to use some trails but free access to cyclists and walkers!!!!!


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
where ever my horses are
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I totally understand where you are coming from, i owned 1 horse when i lived in the uk and with found it rather expensive. I was very surprised when i moved with my horse to Ireland how every thing to do with horses is sooo much cheaper, e.g buying your flu and tet jabs at the vet 20 euro and inject yourself i was paying £90 in england including call out fee, farrier is cheaper, feed is cheaper. So i have somehow now ended up with 4 horses and it now maybe works out about the same as keeping my 1 horse in England