Current thinking around abcess treatment?


Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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Retired horse, arthritic, living out, no shoes, no obvious signs of cuts / swellings / heat but non-weight bearing this morning with a bit of warmth around that foot / coronet band so pretty sure of an abscess

My instinct is to leave out and if it's not popped in a couple of days to get the farrier - or is it better to get the farrier today and bring him in to poultice?


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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non-weight bearing normally indicates its close to bursting as pressure/heat within the capsule builds up. If the field is cool wet turf/mud it will relieve the pressure and heat and decrease pain, but will also potentially prolong the time it takes to burst.

I find the padding of a medicated poultice+ nappy+ loads of duct tape makes it more comfortable for them to walk on, thus aiding bursting. So turn out with a poultice boot has helped them resolve quicker than keeping them stabled, not moving and poulticed.

If a farrier had tried to instantly pop the abscesses ive dealt with - find the site and dig it out they would have had to carve the heel bulbs or some other really invasive sole paring proceduce, which ultimately would equal more pain and recovery than allowing the abscess to brew and pop on its own. I’ve never had one burst near the surface of the bottom of the sole. They tend to go the path of least resistance - frog tissue/coronet/heel bulbs. A farrier is useful if youve never poulticed and need support, guidance and/or the horse has been non-weight bearing for more than 48hrs.. The non weight bearing part is usually over quickly - 24hrs - with all abscesses ive dealt with.

It also depends on the general state of the hoof and length of hoof walls/cause of abscess….so if completely unsure, call a farrier for a consult, who can advise better with hoof in hand, just dont expect them to be able to instantly relieve the abscess.