Cushings - Feed suggestions


Well-Known Member
29 February 2012
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12yo mare recently been diagnosed & on 1mg of Prascend daily.
She takes this happily stuffed into apple but has gone off her feed. Just picks at it so we’ve reduced it to not over face her. I know innapetence happens & hopefully her appetite will return.
It’ll be 3 weeks she’s been on Prascend but eats all her hay & grazes fine (not lush grass thankfully)

Currently has Allen & Page Veteran Light as low sugar/ starch + Honeychop light & healthy but wondering if anything else would be now palatable / enticing for her - were thinking something crunchy might help. But, obviously needs to be low sugar/ starch.

Any suggestions of what you’ve found helped ?


Well-Known Member
14 April 2014
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I feed my Cishings horse Honeychop lite and healthy, she's a good doer. I believe it's not uncommon for horses to become "depressed" ( the veil) when first starting Prascend. It can sometimes be alleviated by reintroducing it a quarter of a pill at a time and gradually build up to the full dose. If she's happy to eat the disguised pill, grazing happily and not dropping condition, I wouldn't worry. There is a very helpful Facebook group for Cushings horses, if you do that sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
5 July 2012
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If she's not eating you need to reduce the dose and build up gradually to what she needs.

My cushings horse gets thunderbrooks meadow nuts or agrobs.
I feed my Cishings horse Honeychop lite and healthy, she's a good doer. I believe it's not uncommon for horses to become "depressed" ( the veil) when first starting Prascend. It can sometimes be alleviated by reintroducing it a quarter of a pill at a time and gradually build up to the full dose. If she's happy to eat the disguised pill, grazing happily and not dropping condition, I wouldn't worry. There is a very helpful Facebook group for Cushings horses, if you do that sort of thing.