Cycling "Sportives"


Well-Known Member
3 November 2008
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A shame that the thread has derailed from the original proposition - force sportives to be properly marshalled and force them to put up signs in advance, warn local stables etc. I am perfectly happy for these events to happen, as long as it isn't every weekend, as I'm sure they are great fun for the cyclists involved. What I would appreciate however, is a bit of common courtesy by putting up clear signs in the local area a couple of weeks in advance so I can know to avoid the route they are taking. I don't feel that this proposition is unreasonable or anti-cyclist as all it is doing is enforcing a bit of common courtesy on both sides. Surely it is a win-win situation? Safety would be dramatically improved and relations would be too.

sport horse

Well-Known Member
23 January 2002
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Mithras you are so very lucky - yes lucky, that your horses have all been so easy to train to be good on roads. I do realise that you are an exceptional rider and that none of us on here are any good at all (acutally I showjumped to top national level but obviously I cannot ride a horse on a bridlepath or road). Remember the saying 'pride cometh before a fall'. I sincerely hope it does not.

You also seem to be uncaring that people are trapped in their houses during some of these rides - your answer? Walk. I wonder why the ambulance people did not walk to the unfortunate soul in the Esher area who was unlucky enough to need medical help during the Olympic cycling event. The ambulance could not reach his home and he sadly died. So unfortunate they should have walked. Not true? It was my brothers next door neighbour.