Daily bute for Bone Spavin - does he need a supplement too?


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11 January 2006
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My 18yo 14hh pony was diagnosed with Bone Spavin a couple of years ago - the injections etc worked at first but the last lot this summer only lasted a few weeks so me and my vet decided the best thing to do was retire him as a light hack on minimum Bute he was happy on (one bute a day) and keep up the remedial shoeing.

I have finished the Synequin supplement he was on that the insurance paid for but TBH can't tell any difference. Vet was happy with him when last trotted up etc and I will have blood tests in March/April to check Bute not causing any problems.

The semi retirement seems to suit him well, he appears fine with hacking though only wants to plod, no interest in trotting or cantering though can still spin and take off if a tractor comes our way

However, I've started thinking that maybe I should be looking at supplements again because I'm guessing all the Bute is doing is giving pain relief rather than repairing any damage? Or given that they didn't help/stop the progress of his BS before could it make a difference now?

Or if he is happy on one Bute a day now perhaps leave it at that and try something else if/when the Bute isn't working anymore?

Typical horse owner - never any spare money but always looking for more ways to spend

Thanks for any replies


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9 December 2008
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How long was he on Synequin. I've got both of mine on it and have seen a real difference in the 19yr old. It took 3 months though.

I've tried Cortaflex and others but didn't see any change.


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13 February 2008
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I recommend NAF superflex as being really good for my arthritic horse - he didnt respomd to anything else, including riaflex, sunequin etc. it is fairly cost effective, even at the double dose I feed as I bug HUGE tubs of it - put other horse on it as well.

I would try maybe bosellia though instead of the bute, or even devils claw (still can cause issues) or danilon. bute long term isnt advisable.

also, my boy really benefits from magnetic bands on 24/7 and stable boots overnight when it is cold. It has really made a huge difference. Steroid injections wore off after 2 months and the last lot didnt make a difference at all so he isnt even a light hack.


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11 January 2006
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Thanks for replies.

He was on Synequin for 12 months but can't tell any difference now he has been off it for a few months.

Re: long term bute, discussed this at length with vet, he was of the opinion that as long as they are on the minimum dose they can be (and I played around with this for several months) and have bloods checked regularly, most horses cope well with it - he knows lots of horses kept this way and has never had a problem. He also thinks that Devils Claw and similar don't work as well for the majority of horses. Of course this is just his opinion but I trust his judgement so just hope and pray he is correct. Also it makes horse happy enough to be a light hack which vet thinks long term is better for him than retirement, he is very quiet and lazy in the field and would just get fat and worse.

Totally agree about the magnetic boots, my boy normally lives out 24/7 but if he is stabled due to bad weather etc, the difference between him having them on or not is very noticable.

Have got a list of supplements I'm considering to try, including the NAF one, how long did it take to notice a difference? Is your boy on any other medication?

Does anyone know if any supplements tend to work better on horses with 'advanced' arthritis rather than just as a preventative or just generally stiff horses etc?


29 August 2009
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Bronson is 20 this year and was diagnosed with bone spavin last March. He didn't have injections or any treatment other than bute and gentle exercise. At the moment he is fine and has been jumping for the last 6 months. He has half a sachet of bute per day and Newmarket Joint Supplement. He used to have Cortaflex but the vet suggested NJS and he seems to be much less stiff and creaky now.


29 August 2009
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He's 14hh, think he may have shrunk with age. Has been jumping 85cms this year, had done 95cm-1m previously. Hoping he will be able to do a few pony club ode this year with my daughter


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29 October 2008
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Ok. My horse 17.1hh WB gelding was diagnosed with mild bone spavin in November 2008. In 12 months we chucked everything we could at him as it was going through the insurance. He had three lots of tildren, adequan injections over a seven week period and joint injections. Now 13 months on it appears that according to my vet the horse appears to have had a 'minor' set back in that the treatment doesn't appear to have worked. He had his last Tildren infusion in Oct before the claim ended and the vet said he was tracking up very well, and not lame and was very pleased with him as he said he had made very good progress and the treatment had worked well. On Friday as the vet was already visiting the yard I had him look at my boy on the lunge as I was concerned he had a problem on the one rein and he said the bone spavin was back (not that it ever really went away) and declared that the treatment he has received over the past twelve months has not worked. I was very upset. He is now on a two week three a day bute trial to see if it helps. If not he will be on two bute a day for the rest of his life. The bute is purely to mask the pain and will not alter the structure of the hock joints. As the injections or Tildren do not appear to have worked he will not have either of them again. I shouldn't worry about it causing liver problems. My vet has assured me that low level bute will not cause a problem even if given over many years.

You may like to do as I have and google 'horse medicine' over the internet and find a website where you can get the bute cheaper. It is a POM (prescription only medicine) so you will need to get a prescription from your vet, my vet charges £12.10 for one of these. I have managed to find somewhere today where is is .47p per sachet as a pose to £.76p per sachet that my vet charges but not sure if this includes vat or postage.


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11 January 2006
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I'm so sorry to hear about your horse, I think we may have replied to each others posts in the past

It's so sad when you try everything and still it doesn't work - my fingers are crossed for you that you may still be able to do something with him on bute but if I remember correctly you enjoy your dressage so this may be difficult for him? Chumley is very happy being a light hack but I know this wouldn't suit a lot of horses. It took a while to sort out what level of bute suited him.

I'm buying my Bute from the vets (free delivery as vet is on livery at a friend's yard), will check out the price difference, thanks for info.

Don't know what to say but ((BIG HUGS))


Well-Known Member
26 April 2009
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I've got Pidge on NJS and touch wood it seems to be doing the trick, he had his cortisteroid jabs nearlly 2 years ago now


Well-Known Member
12 October 2009
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mine doesnt get bute she just on supplement -she has pernamax maxaflex and touch wood she hasnt had any problems at all - she also has navicular and coffin joint spur so try that.
also feed nettles as they help increase circulation and she has bioflow boots on front legs at night (for navicular) and hinds during day (for spavin) and she can do dressage without any issues


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6 January 2010
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I have been using a product called Cartilage Care for over two years on my 17 year old who has arthritis. It is absolutely brilliant & I have been able to ride him most days again, since he's been on it. I recommend it to everyone I know!
It is similar to synequin but much cheaper. It is from a company in the Midlands called Holistic Horse Health (.com)who are very knowledgeable & helpful. You should find them on google. Over 70% of cartilage Care is pure glucosamine and the other 25% is chondroitin. I also have my horse on their MSM product and Alfie hasn't needed bute since. Apparently MSM acts as a natural anti inflamatory where as bute is toxic.
Well worth a try. Everyone who I have recommended these 2 products to have been very pleased with the results. Good luck. (XX)