Danger Ears (times two)!


Well-Known Member
13 November 2012
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We were rather concerned but The Beast was brave....

She came back and showed MrT that it was OK. Walked past it twice and he got a biscuit and a pat for being "such a clever, brave boy".

After all that adoration he decided that he could be the mighty horse that he knows he is inside and led the way this time.

We don't get a lot of stuff like this out on our rides, rubbish or road works or things like that, so something that other horses might not even look at can cause a significant amount of consternation! But they were very good and figured it out when given some processing time. Even though that tarpaulin was both lurking and flapping, which is just The Worst. ?


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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They are so sweet…love the pic of mr T ears and face with a chuffed contented look for being so brave! ? Things mysteriously appearing in ditches are not to be taken lightly!

I have a funny video to edit, of my horses being turned out, using a different path to their grazing due to agri works….so all the leccy fencing was a temporary new set-up, which had them both on high alert to start.
The younger gelding then notices a plank straddling the ditch beside their grazing - that induced a rapid spin and a full-on 100m gallop to the top of the hill, where he felt safe enough to stop and proudly dragon snort his plank avoidance victory to the entire valley!
The other horse wasnt sure what was going on so ran after him just in case he was right to be scared!

I just thought “dont think you’re ready for roads mate” ?

(to be fair to him, he walks up to fire, fine around vehicles and agri machinery etc, is very brave usually, but the most innocent item can induce ‘MM’ - meltdown moment!)

He returned to the plank to investigate further, after realising it didnt chase him, and came to accept ‘the plank’…plonker!?