Dealing with a nappy horse


Well-Known Member
29 April 2008
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I lost my horse of a lifetime in april of this year and replaced him with a Mare. She is sweet and easy to do around the yard and ride in the school etc but is nappy if I try to hack her out on her own. She will bronco on the spot or buck big time. She is ok if my husband walks ahead but a bit on the slow side and fine if I take her out on her own just leading. Hacking out with others she is ok as well as long as she can follow the other horse nose to tail! I have asked her at certain points to take the lead but it does involve a big battle. I do not use a whip on her as it makes matters worse. I use my reins over the neck with a few pony club kicks!!!

She is not a particularly confident horse and this is half the problem. I would like to be able to go out on my own with her but don't want to risk the battle and possible fall.

Should I just settle with hacking her out with my husband (on his bike) who never really minds but can't come out with me that often or with my daughter on her horse or should I persevere in some other way? Me, I'm all for an easy life as too long in the tooth now to take un necessary risks!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2008
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Is she spooking at things or does she just not want to be there on her own?
It sounds like she is more napping to avoid going out on her own is that right?


Well-Known Member
22 February 2008
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It doesn't sound like you've had her that long and she' s probably still testing you out. All the methods you're using will help build her confidence - hacking out with others and your husband. Maybe your husband could disappear halfway through the hack so that you would have to go back yourselves.
It takes time to build up a relationship with a horse. I've had my new one for six months now and I feel I'm just getting to know him. He used to be nappy but perseverence has overcome it. I also couldn't tap him with the whip because it made him worse. I just used to speak to him very encouragingly and kick him on. On one occasion I had to get off him and lead him past a farmhouse which took about 30 minutes. I refused to give up and he's never napped there since. He rarely naps now, if he's unsure of something he just stands still for a few seconds and then walks on when I ask him.
Good luck with your mare. My new boy has also had to replace my now retired 'horse of a lifetime' and it can be so frustrating when they don't live up to your expectations.


Well-Known Member
15 April 2007
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She sounds like my mare. Everyone said she'd grow out of it as she was only 4 when I got her but I wouldn't accept that and over time tried everything including sending her away to a top class trainer (who she incidently threw off!!). She's now 16 and still naps if you take her out alone. With someone walking in front she is fine, she will hack out in company and funnily enough prefers to be in front!! I'm a happy hacker with the empahsis being on happy so I don't want the chore of trying to make her go out alone.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Have you tried long reining her so that she knows you always drive her forward? It teaches them that it is safe to go on even with nobody in front, we use it to build up their confidence to be happy out on their own or in front.
I've been known to be out two hours at a time long reining, whether it's in a continuous loop or going so far, then back then back out again past the original point and keep repeating it until they don't offer to stop or nap anywhere unless you tell them. I'd rather do that on my feet than on top where I'm not as effective!