Decision made - I’m selling up and going back to livery!


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1 October 2009
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Does that title send a shiver down your spine? Lol Well.....for those lucky enough to have their own land or a private place.

It’s been a big decision for hubby and me but we’re happy we’re making the right one for us. Hubby was very ill with Covid last April and tomorrow is the first time he’ll be returning to work after virtually a year off. Phased return of course. I can honestly say it changes you....we are both totally different people after the worst year we’ve ever had to endure.

We want to be mortgage free....oh what will that feel like!?! Holiday more, have the pressure taken off work commitment as we aren’t sure hubby can even work full time yet. Time will tell on that one. I feel so incredibly blessed to have had my own place but the mortgage free situation has always been hubby’s now it’s his time!

I’ve just got one horse left and I’m going back to a local livery yard where I was 13 years ago before we bought our little place. It’s gonna be a Wendy I know that and I’m dreading walking away that last time but we need to do this.

If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we all have too many material things. We need to have less and do more. Make memories! I may only survive the wish me luck. lol. I hope to be moving in a month or so. Take care everyone.


Well-Known Member
2 June 2010
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I totally get where you are coming from. We've been having similar discussions as to what we will do once i'm down to one horse. I have loved having them at home and so glad I have been able to have the experience but am also quite looking forward to the time when I can spend more time just riding and also have more flexibility to go away. I've even been considering selling my ridden mare but I think that's just the Winter talking and i'll be fine once the weather perks up! Mortality certainly makes you re-evaluate what's important, although we have been so blessed at this time not having to leave our property for anything other than food and always having lots to do so there are a lot of pluses.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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We've been debating for a year now when it will be right for us to make the same move. I'm tired of the work and being alone. I'm just hanging on day by day to see if getting out of these social restrictions will reset the balance.

I hope all goes well with the move, hubby fully recovers, and you love it in livery.


Well-Known Member
1 October 2009
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I’m going day by day too. I’ve even left the horses out tonight so I can have a lie in.....well after 7 and before 9am. Lol

Winter is such hard work and I’m exhausted. The livery yard is fully diy but I have friends there. It’s dry, clean, lit up and someone comes on a magic tractor that makes the muck heap disappear! Wow! ;) Even the fields are relatively dry and you don’t have to bucket water to the fields. I’m getting excited just typing about it. :p


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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I kept horses at home for 15 years and honestly I would never do it again. I keep my little ones at home obvs and I enjoy that but I would miss my livery yard way too much with the big one. I dont have an arena at home so that probably doesn’t help but even if I did I know my horse would get ridden about once a year lol at livery I feel I have to do more.


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3 September 2012
North East Wales
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Your post reads as though you'd be shocked to hear any supportive voices - but there are huge benefits to livery if you have the right yard. As those of you posting above who wish to do so, move back to livery, that means properties come on to the market for those of us naive folks who have a dream to keep our horses at home. And I'm guessing be rudely awoken! I don't worry about my girl on livery when I'm not there - but I'd be out at 11pm doing last checks if she was at home, and worrying about her a lot more because it is ALL on me. Never mind the expense.

Good luck with your move and the next chapter.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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You sound wonderfully positive. Totally agree about how things change your priorities. Hope your downsizing and returning to livery works out well for you and your family.
My husband was surprised when we were house hunting to realise that I didn't want a house with land for the horses. Having had them at home before was hard work. Livery is rarely perfect but it's lovely to just focus on looking after your horse instead of the land and buildings. I also missed the company.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
My own planet
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We've been debating for a year now when it will be right for us to make the same move. I'm tired of the work and being alone. I'm just hanging on day by day to see if getting out of these social restrictions will reset the balance.

I hope all goes well with the move, hubby fully recovers, and you love it in livery.
Now I think you need a competitive young teen on your yard. Your so wise with horses but I sense you need a fun friend to. A younger teen could be a win win, help with the chores fie lifts to clinics and shows. X


Well-Known Member
19 July 2017
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A lovely positive post OP and glad hubby is on the mend. I keep mine at home, we've had this place and our own land nearly five years with a mixture of emotions. Our plan in four years when my husband retires is to downsize and go mortgage free. Back to livery for me also and im not too fussed (for now, lol) as long as it has a nice vibe and decent turnout all year. Maybe a nice private yard to stay away from the masses but we'll see :) Good luck :)