Dentist day today Kitten was a little unsettled but very good for her first check up. Hazels old teeth were still fine but she needs two fillings. All booked in but has anyone every had fillings for horses.
The vet found a peripheral carie in The Beasts mouth last time. He was muttering about fillings but we did some reading around and I certainly wouldn't bother for a peripheral carie. I'd even question the wisdom for an infundibular (sp?) to be really honest.
I'm sure Beast's was bothering her for a bit but 99.9% sure it isn't any more just judging on how she cronches her Pure treats.
My old share horse had a filling, but I'm afraid I wasn't very involved. He was fine to ride the next day, but I stuck to riding him in a headcollar for a week or so, just to make life a bit more comfortable for him.