Well-Known Member
So we sent the trial horse back..and then had to decide to pull my eventer from tomoorows event.
He' sbeen not right all week but we were going to take him and do dressage and see how it went.
It's so frustrating as he's nearly right, just not quite there. There's one new lump, almost like a splint but no heat, he's had it a couple of weeks and no problems (came through at PC camp). He went hopping lame saturday, sunday, sounder monday and then has been at this sort of 90% soundness. I guess if he's not better by tuesday it'll be a trip to the vets.
Oh, and his nose has started to run again, brown goopy stuff so we'll probably need more antibiotics, which will probably have to be injected and he's needle-phobic.
I can just see a month off being the reccomendation from the vet, it would be typical as he's just going well and the season is half-way through. We were even thinking of going to novice at the event after this one.
Send 'sound' vibes my way please!

He' sbeen not right all week but we were going to take him and do dressage and see how it went.
It's so frustrating as he's nearly right, just not quite there. There's one new lump, almost like a splint but no heat, he's had it a couple of weeks and no problems (came through at PC camp). He went hopping lame saturday, sunday, sounder monday and then has been at this sort of 90% soundness. I guess if he's not better by tuesday it'll be a trip to the vets.
Oh, and his nose has started to run again, brown goopy stuff so we'll probably need more antibiotics, which will probably have to be injected and he's needle-phobic.
I can just see a month off being the reccomendation from the vet, it would be typical as he's just going well and the season is half-way through. We were even thinking of going to novice at the event after this one.

Send 'sound' vibes my way please!