Well-Known Member
19 year old Tilly was diagnosed with COPD earlier this year so no more hay.
She has had her teeth done 6 monthly the past few years due to a few diastemas. The last time she was done was August and unusually she was quidding after. She is still quidding but its getting worse.
I put a full bag of Silvermoor Timothy haylage out last night and she's barely touched it.
I'm waiting on the vet calling me back this afternoon to discuss options as I know we spoke about something for the future but I can't remember what. I think it was widening the gaps.
Has anyone had anything done with diastemas and if so what was the approximate cost? How was the horse after?
She has had her teeth done 6 monthly the past few years due to a few diastemas. The last time she was done was August and unusually she was quidding after. She is still quidding but its getting worse.
I put a full bag of Silvermoor Timothy haylage out last night and she's barely touched it.
I'm waiting on the vet calling me back this afternoon to discuss options as I know we spoke about something for the future but I can't remember what. I think it was widening the gaps.
Has anyone had anything done with diastemas and if so what was the approximate cost? How was the horse after?