Pink Gorilla
Well-Known Member
I had my beloved 30 year old horse put to sleep on Sunday night and now I'm wrestling with so much guilt. Over the past 4 months he'd had the odd episode of suddenly looking extremely sleepy and drained and would either fall asleep standing up and stumble, or would be off his food and flop down on the floor to sleep as soon as I turned him out. Whenever he had these episodes, although scary at the time, they were usually short lived and he'd perked up a few hours later. But the last couple of episodes in the space of 3 weeks were followed for a day or two with mild, spasmodic colic. He would still eat and graze etc after an episode, but his belly was sucked in and he kept kicking his belly every few minutes. Other than that looked and acted normal. Well he had a good weekend and was even cantering round the field Sunday with his friend. But Sunday night he had another exhaustion episode. Kept circling, before laying down flat with eyes closed, getting up, circling again and walking backwards. He was grumpy and didn't want me near him and showed little interest in his food. He also kicked his belly a few times. He wasn't having a colic attack as the cause of it all, as when he laid down he would just lay flat out with his eyes closed as if he was asleep. The episodes would just seemed to trigger tummy spasms, hence the belly kicking on occasion. Anyway I just called the vet thinking the episodes were coming more frequent, I can't keep going through this, I can't keep stressing and worrying about him, and that I wanted to get to him and put him to sleep before an illness got there first. But he looked amazing for his age! Moved amazing, shiney coat and was happy enough inbetween episodes. Vet thinks it was maybe mini strokes as his gums went white during episodes. Something called TIA? So I just told him the vet to put him down because the previous episode was only 2 days before. Now I'm feeling such guilt! Did I just panic? Was I too hasty? Was I thinking about myself and being selfish? Or was it the right time to do it while he still looked well, was happy between episodes and having more good days than bad? Oh god though, now I wish I'd waited for more bad days than good. Or at least 50/50.