Diet dog food


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5 August 2004
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My 7yo labrador has been on a diet for a while now - she put on weight after she was spayed - we've cut her food right down and upped her exercise. She's being fed Bakers Weight Control and is losing weight slowly - but she doesn't really like it, I don't think it's a very good quality food, and it's starting to make her itchy. I want to change her onto a different brand but have read the dog food bags until my head is spinning and can't make a decision. She can't have JWB as it makes her itchy and she won't eat Hills of any description. (She's the only fussy lab I've ever known!!). The only one I'm leaning towards is Burns High Oats, but I can't find anyone else who has tried it. Help please!!! any recommendations for a good quality diet food that will help in our quest for slim-ness, won't make her itchy and doesn't cost a fortune?!


Well-Known Member
26 October 2007
Glos, UK
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My sisters lab is on the Burns low calorie one - he has a lovely coat and is now in fab condition


Well-Known Member
2 February 2008
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Raw diet with the emphasis on bones would do the job without the problems you are encountering, especially the itching which is probably from the high fibre content of the feed, plant fibre that is totally unnatural to a dog.

If you tailor a raw diet with a high bone content (70-80% bone to meat) you can achieve a good steady weight loss without her having to eat less. They are a dog's natural bulk and as more or less pure calcium they are excellent for a satisfying meal with weight loss. Not only that but bones require some effort to eat as well so calorie burning whilst eating. A diet of raw meaty bones, chicken carcasses and wings plus a small amount of blended veg and occasion offal would do the trick.

My butcher charges the princely sum of £1.50 for a sack of lamb rib bones and chicken carcasses so that's £3 per month to feed 2 medium sized dogs not on a diet! Chicken wings are about £1.30 for a pack of 10-12 in supermarkets and 3-4 would be plenty for a dieting dog. Morrisons do a pack of lamb bones for under a pound for stock making! All you need is space in the freezer.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2008
I am trying to sort out my dog's digestive system and currently stick a cupful of brown rice, two Sainsbury's white fish fillets (Frozen economy bags £1.27 for 1kg) and two and a half cupfuls of water into a slow cooker and cook for 4-5 hours together with any veg you may have handy. Add a vitamin pill before serving. I would feed half this quantity a day and I guarantee your dog will love it and loose weight and its cheap!