Dilemma, first or second pony??


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12 October 2020
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Daughter is six, off the lead rein and has just learned to canter. We have a lovely new forest pony but tbh is more of a second pony- wants to go for it and jump etc! She has been fine trotting about off the lead rein but now DD wants to do PC and I'm not sure if our pony is too much for her or if she is bossy enough to handle her.
So I guess my question is, do we continue our search for a first pony (they seem to be like gold dust at the mo) or try to bolster up our wee rider so she can attend PC with Holly or current pony??
We've never taken Holly to an event etc but she did RDA with a previous owner so I'm hoping she won't disgrace herself!


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9 February 2019
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You know the child and the pony best to be able to decide if they're ready to go on together yet, if in doubt a few weeks of lots of lessons should give you the answer.

If they’re not quite ready yet, your pony sounds lovely. Might be worth getting on the PC grapevine to see if anyone is outgrowing their wonder pony looking for a step up and would do a loan swap for a year or so.
Through the PC is nice and reassuring, lots of opportunities to make sure all is well.
Some friends of mine rotate 4-5 ponies between their 3 families of slightly different age children as they grow, it’s mad but it works brilliantly!

Peregrine Falcon

Sunshine and warmer weather welcomed
1 July 2008
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How big is your NF? I got a 11.2hh pony for my rising 6yo son. He was still on lead rein at that point and grew onto her. She taught him a lot! More of a 2nd pony at times. The tricky thing is balancing confidence, capability with enjoyment and safety. How does she get on with the NF?


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12 October 2020
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Holly is 13.1 and my daughter loves her but was bucked off recently for the first time. We had brought out some trotting poles and a cross poles jump. I led Holly over all the poles several times on her own then I led DD in Holly over everything (all fine) but when we approached the trotting poles for the second time she bucked her off. MIL (who is far more experienced than me) said she thought Holly was frustrated as we weren't letting her go fast or jump properly etc. Thinks she's a jumping pony. DD wants to jump but it's early days and she's probably not quite balanced enough yet. I don't have any experience with PC but am hoping they'll both be fine.
DD is good in her lessons with riding school ponies but I'm a bit nervous to let her canter on Holly yet


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1 March 2016
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How old is your pony? I only ask because leading her over the poles several times sounds like something you'd do with a young pony? If she is quite young, I think I would be looking to loan a been there/done that type for a year or two if you can (you may find contacts through PC).

Young children's confidence can be very fragile, and personally I wouldn't want to scare my daughter.

I don't think it's a case of being bossy as such- more about setting your daughter and the pony up for success.

Could you borrow an older jockey and see what Holly is like with them?

Peregrine Falcon

Sunshine and warmer weather welcomed
1 July 2008
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My son is now 13, 5'2 and on the verge of outgrowing his 13hh NF. She can be a character but safe, would be a 2nd pony though. Has your daughter had any lessons with Holly?

Do you also ride Holly? If you concerned about the partnership then maybe wait a year until your daughter is a little stronger and more experienced. (Is your pony green passported?)


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12 October 2020
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Our pony is 11. We don't know much about her other than she did RDA then went to another home where she became very laminitic. The owner requested the vet put her down but the vet said she could be nursed back to health so we got her and did just that.
I led her over the poles as I am not hugely horsey and was a bit nervous as to how she would react to something new (although it's probably not new to her) my sister has ridden her and Holly was wonderful but she is much heavier and much more experienced.
My six year old is quite confident and got back on immediately after being bucked off, Im just a bit nervous but it's probably me and my lack of experience. She has her first lesson on Holly this weekend (we don't have a school at home) Thank you for your replies, I'm hoping PC will be the making of us all.

Peregrine Falcon

Sunshine and warmer weather welcomed
1 July 2008
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I hope the lesson goes well. An experienced instructor will be able to spot potential or give you some advice.

NF's are wonderful ponies, but I am completely biased having 7 of them!?.


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17 August 2008
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I would keep looking for a true first pony, esp as you say you are not very horsey yourself. I knocked my (now 9) son’s confidence by putting him on a 12.2 from the age of 4 that was more of a second pony. We were fine on the lead rein, but once we came off 2/3 yrs ago that’s when we started to have a few tumbles jumping, and the pony was a bit fast and forward for him. It’s chipped away at his confidence, and I wish I had acted sooner. The problem was, he loves her and was almost too proud to admit he was getting scared.


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27 June 2008
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Been there, done that, and really wished I'd gone for a first pony for D2.

She's the best (potential) rider out of all of us, with excellent natural seat and hands, but the pony put her off for life.


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12 October 2020
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Thanks everyone, we are definitely still looking for a true first pony but have been looking for a while now and can't find anything that isn't ancient/sick or ludicrously expensive. SIL is an equine vet so is always on the lookout too.
They seem to be getting on ok off the lead rein for a while now (other than that one time) so hopefully we can continue slowly until either a first pony comes up or DD grows into her. Thanks for all your advice, greatly received!


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13 November 2010
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Ditto the ancient - ponies seem to go on forever, and a safe but elderly first ridden will be a wonderful start to all the fun stuff. A year or so on something that she can feel completely safe on will be the best intro to PC and competition


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1 March 2016
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Our pony is 11. We don't know much about her other than she did RDA then went to another home where she became very laminitic. The owner requested the vet put her down but the vet said she could be nursed back to health so we got her and did just that.
I led her over the poles as I am not hugely horsey and was a bit nervous as to how she would react to something new (although it's probably not new to her) my sister has ridden her and Holly was wonderful but she is much heavier and much more experienced.
My six year old is quite confident and got back on immediately after being bucked off, Im just a bit nervous but it's probably me and my lack of experience. She has her first lesson on Holly this weekend (we don't have a school at home) Thank you for your replies, I'm hoping PC will be the making of us all.

Personally, and this is just me, I would not repeat the exercise several times in hand before the child did it- for some ponies this can become quite boring/frustrating and may lead to problems. I would probably do it twice in hand if you really felt the need and if this didn't show up any issues, then try it with the child on the lead rein.

If she starts bucking regularly, I would be worried about pain, though- given her history.

But I agree with others, an ancient pony may be just what your daughter needs at this stage! Getting bucked off once is (usually fine) but repeatedly having problems will chip away at her confidence. Something safe but elderly may be ideal as a starting point for you both! There will be lots of years to have fun with Holly yet!


Well-Known Member
12 October 2020
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I think you're right, I think she was probably frustrated at doing it in hand. She's never bucked before that we know of or since. My SIL is an equine vet (handy!) and checks her feet regularly so I'm sure she's not in any pain.
I think you're all right and we will keep looking for a first pony. Tbh we've never turned anything down due to age but we just can't seem to find anything at all! So if anyone hears of anything suitable in NE Scotland give me a shout! I'll ask the pony club DC too ?


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29 October 2015
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I didn't realise you were in Scotland. Take a look at the Strathearn PC website, they have a 'for sale and wanted' page. I know Strathearn isn't local to you, but I have put up wanted adverts there before and got replies from NE, West coast, highlands and all over. It's a very active page, and I've found that the folk who respond to the adverts are very horsey and knowledgeable.