Disaster after my fab day post


Well-Known Member
29 September 2005
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God it just shows you, you never really know what is round the corner and we all need to treat each day and each ride as if it were our last. Your horse is so lucky to have you and such good vets too, it sounds like they are trying everything they can think of so she does stand the very best chance possible of recovery. You are being unbelievably strong so IF it comes to that decision, you will decide what's right for her. And you have such a lovely recent memory of beach riding, what a great horse! Keep us posted xx


Well-Known Member
29 June 2005
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Oh honey I'm so sorry. I had to make the decision last year to have Higgins put down after he got Grass Sickness, he was operated on in the early hours of Wednesday morning for impacted colic at Leahurst, should have been dead on Thursday and I finally made the decision to put him down on the Sunday as there was just something different about Higgs and I knew it was time to let go. Whilst there is hope perservere - if it comes to it (which I hope it won't) you will know when the time is right. At least with animals we have the choice, I watched my husband die of cancer and there was nothing I could do about it! Sending you lots of hugs and love XXXX


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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Oh no! Sending big 'get better' vibes your way! Really hope she is ok, at least she's pulled through two ops so far!