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HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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On Sunday I took George out again to a local venue, one to which we haven't been before. Not great preparation as he had just had 2 days off, and I'm not long back from holiday, but thought I might as well get out there again. Novice 27 which is a really nice test I think, although a lot going on.

Firstly we had loading issues again, I thought we might as with holiday and pre-holiday busyness, he hadn't been on board for a few weeks and I'd only just got him loading easily. We then loaded his friend first, and he followed him straight up :rolleyes3: No dramas getting to the venue, unloaded and got on for warming up. Tiny warm-up school, and he started to boil up under me, so I didn't spend long in there. He was feeling really very tense at this point, so I tried to just keep everything steady and slow.

Then we go into the arena, we get halfway up, and he just plants and spins. Eventually the judge rings the starting bell, we go out, return, and trot really positively up the centre line, so get almost to the judge and track, further than I thought we would! Then I tried to ride the rest of the test with a few spooks and other evasions thrown in for good measure; and he was incredibly tense the whole test.

Video link here https://youtu.be/Tsi4vp540vg

We ended last of course, with a (fairly generous) score of 57ish. It's very frustrating as he's got the moves, and my riding isn't that awful, but he gets his knickers into a twist and there doesn't seem to be much I can do when he's in that zone. I'm off out on Sunday again, if I can get him loaded as we're going on our own this time, and I'm going to try a syringe calmer first to see if that helps. Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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he wasn't too keen on that top end was he lol. Think you are definitely in need of the luck next time. Fingers crossed the calmer works for him. I have to use it on mine or else he spends the whole time planning his next spook lol.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2009
North of the Wall
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You came, you saw, you not-quite-conquered-but-you-persevered-and-that's-worth-celebrating-too :wink3: Love the fact you put it in the Comedy category on youtube :smile3: 'Til next time!


Well-Known Member
25 February 2009
You have my sympathy, I have a mare who can be extremely frustrating when her attention is everywhere but me! We are getting much better as I'm working her harder, she's on a calmer which has really helped her focus along with lessons. Just hoping the improvements at home are reflected when we go out. I'm sure that once you get back in your groove of riding after your holiday things will improve. No wisdom as to how best to tackle it as I'm sure there are people on here who will have some ideas but he looks lovely and as you say, he has the moves!


HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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he wasn't too keen on that top end was he lol. Think you are definitely in need of the luck next time. Fingers crossed the calmer works for him. I have to use it on mine or else he spends the whole time planning his next spook lol.

He wasn't keen, no! To be fair, nearly all the horses were spooking at those corners, but George took it one step further. Which calmer do you use?

You came, you saw, you not-quite-conquered-but-you-persevered-and-that's-worth-celebrating-too :wink3: Love the fact you put it in the Comedy category on youtube :smile3: 'Til next time!

It is, in fact I got "Well persevered" as a comment! I didn't realise I had put it in the comedy category...I think YouTube picked that for me (they must have seen my other videos of my riding :D )

You have my sympathy, I have a mare who can be extremely frustrating when her attention is everywhere but me! We are getting much better as I'm working her harder, she's on a calmer which has really helped her focus along with lessons. Just hoping the improvements at home are reflected when we go out. I'm sure that once you get back in your groove of riding after your holiday things will improve. No wisdom as to how best to tackle it as I'm sure there are people on here who will have some ideas but he looks lovely and as you say, he has the moves!

Thank you, it is frustrating isn't it! He works quite nicely at home, and in the warm-up usually, it's just going into the arena that blows his mind. Do you have your mare on a permanent calmer, or just one for shows?


Well-Known Member
26 July 2009
North of the Wall
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It is, in fact I got "Well persevered" as a comment! I didn't realise I had put it in the comedy category...I think YouTube picked that for me (they must have seen my other videos of my riding :D )
Oh bloody hell, sorry JB - I assumed you were being self-deprecating! :redface3: The TFC of Youtube (or the equivalent) are bloody cheeky in that case! :tongue3:

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Well done - you earned every bit of that 57%. :D

If it makes you feel any better, my 'best' test culminated with my usually very obedient mount bogging off with me and jumping out of the arena. :)


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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the Naf Magic calmer syringe works for mine. I slightly overdid it last time and it took a fair bit of effort to have the energy required for our second test but I definitely recommend it as mine went from spooky and over reactive to calm and attentive.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2009
Thank you, it is frustrating isn't it! He works quite nicely at home, and in the warm-up usually, it's just going into the arena that blows his mind. Do you have your mare on a permanent calmer, or just one for shows?[/QUOTE]

She's on Equifeast all the time as she has a tendency towards worrying and being inattentive - it really helped us as when I first started using it I was at the point of thinking of selling her as we really weren't getting on! Plus my instructor has given me some tips when she's being a bit silly - mostly things like getting her to bend her neck so she can't go rigid, loads of inside leg etc. Obviously you can't do that in the ring but if you have their attention hopefully they're less likely to spook! I have also used Valerian when she's been really silly (usually the first few months of the year where she's almost unrideable) which meant that we could actually have a sensible conversation! Working her more also helped.


Well-Known Member
11 August 2005
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Firstly, well sat and a big well done for actually finishing the test, I think I may have given up !!
As you say he does has nice paces there somewhere. If I was you I would be taking him out to venues where he has been loads of times already just so that he's in familiar surroundings & its one less thing to deal with. Also some horses are better at some places than others and its a matter of finding out which those are. My mothers new horse is fab and quite often wins but the nearest venue down the road he hates and freezes part way through his test and wont budge, its very frustrating. Can you go somewhere where you can have a lesson or two or maybe a clinic and then the next day ride a test, I think that might help.
Good luck.


HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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Well done - you earned every bit of that 57%. :D

If it makes you feel any better, my 'best' test culminated with my usually very obedient mount bogging off with me and jumping out of the arena. :)

Thank you :) And yes it does make me feel slightly better - I know I'm in good company :D

the Naf Magic calmer syringe works for mine. I slightly overdid it last time and it took a fair bit of effort to have the energy required for our second test but I definitely recommend it as mine went from spooky and over reactive to calm and attentive.

Thanks - this is the one I've just picked up from the local feed merchant - fingers crossed for Sunday!

She's on Equifeast all the time as she has a tendency towards worrying and being inattentive - it really helped us as when I first started using it I was at the point of thinking of selling her as we really weren't getting on! Plus my instructor has given me some tips when she's being a bit silly - mostly things like getting her to bend her neck so she can't go rigid, loads of inside leg etc. Obviously you can't do that in the ring but if you have their attention hopefully they're less likely to spook! I have also used Valerian when she's been really silly (usually the first few months of the year where she's almost unrideable) which meant that we could actually have a sensible conversation! Working her more also helped.

Mares can be even more awkward! Glad you're getting on better now.

Firstly, well sat and a big well done for actually finishing the test, I think I may have given up !!
As you say he does has nice paces there somewhere. If I was you I would be taking him out to venues where he has been loads of times already just so that he's in familiar surroundings & its one less thing to deal with. Also some horses are better at some places than others and its a matter of finding out which those are. My mothers new horse is fab and quite often wins but the nearest venue down the road he hates and freezes part way through his test and wont budge, its very frustrating. Can you go somewhere where you can have a lesson or two or maybe a clinic and then the next day ride a test, I think that might help.
Good luck.

Thank you! I was tempted not to bother going up the centre line, but very glad I did. I try to take him out at least every couple of weeks, if not more, so he will get used to all these different venues, and I guess I'll learn where he's more relaxed - we have about 6 that we regularly go to, this was just one that I hadn't been to before, but I will get there more now - and yes having a lesson/clinic there is a great idea, and on the cards for us.


Well-Known Member
20 June 2008
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The joys of dressage! Well done though for having the bottle and determination to finish the test, I think I might have jacked it too but the test got better and better so finished on a really good centre line and halt. Can't praise you enough for how quietly and patiently you rode. Brilliant x


HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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The joys of dressage! Well done though for having the bottle and determination to finish the test, I think I might have jacked it too but the test got better and better so finished on a really good centre line and halt. Can't praise you enough for how quietly and patiently you rode. Brilliant x

Oh what a truly lovely thing to say! Thank you x We actually got a 7 for our halt - we're good at stopping :wink3: My biggest comfort is having seen Nip-Tuck doing similar things with Carl Hester, so at least I know that others have the same issues!

I've been through so many ups & downs with this horse, and been on the verge of quitting with him more times than I can mention, the problem is I absolutely love him to bits, he's touched me more than any other horse, and I know his heart is in the right place, he can't help himself, he just gets so worried. Roll on tomorrow and our first competition on calmer!


Well-Known Member
11 June 2008
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Is this Wanley................a lot of horses do exactly the same including mine down at the bottom of the arena with the big wooden mounting block and usually the people in the corner house are doing stuff in their garden ( I was convinced it was deliberate last time ) - lovely venue but a very spooky arena!!


Well-Known Member
13 June 2010
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Keep going out, things will improve... I have a few videos of my horse doing similar, whether a bunch of flowers, a marker, you name it... however a year on and hes doing fantastically at local shows, won through to Hartpury on a great score....... guess what.. the inside arena did his head in so well down the field on both classes even though he had beaten most of them locally by miles. Just been to Hickstead and he liked it there....... still one spook at a speaker which was right near the judges but ended up second in his class.. so things will improve.. dont give up, ride your test no matter what... as you can see virtually everyones been in the same position and the judges do understand!

old hand

Well-Known Member
25 July 2014
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I have had good success with Prokalm for de spooking a jumper, it does not damp down activity like other calmers. They do a trial pack for £9.99 it will do about 4 doses. You only need it for the event so works out quite cheap really.


HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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Is this Wanley................a lot of horses do exactly the same including mine down at the bottom of the arena with the big wooden mounting block and usually the people in the corner house are doing stuff in their garden ( I was convinced it was deliberate last time ) - lovely venue but a very spooky arena!!

Yes, Wanley! A lot of horses were spooking but G took it to extremes.

Keep going out, things will improve... I have a few videos of my horse doing similar, whether a bunch of flowers, a marker, you name it... however a year on and hes doing fantastically at local shows, won through to Hartpury on a great score....... guess what.. the inside arena did his head in so well down the field on both classes even though he had beaten most of them locally by miles. Just been to Hickstead and he liked it there....... still one spook at a speaker which was right near the judges but ended up second in his class.. so things will improve.. dont give up, ride your test no matter what... as you can see virtually everyones been in the same position and the judges do understand!

Thanks you JosieB, it's really good to know others have had similar problems. Well done to you, sounds like you're doing a great job with your horse :)

I have had good success with Prokalm for de spooking a jumper, it does not damp down activity like other calmers. They do a trial pack for £9.99 it will do about 4 doses. You only need it for the event so works out quite cheap really.

I'll look into that now, thank you. Today we went out with the calmer, and it was too much, all our comments were lack of impulsion this time *sighs*


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Well on the positive side he is a lovely looking horse, you both look v smart and he clearly has nice paces. And he gets better in that top corner as it goes on and you do a nice final centre line and halt! Sounds like a bit of adjustment with the calmer for next outing but I for one think you did a bang up job of riding him through it.


HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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Well on the positive side he is a lovely looking horse, you both look v smart and he clearly has nice paces. And he gets better in that top corner as it goes on and you do a nice final centre line and halt! Sounds like a bit of adjustment with the calmer for next outing but I for one think you did a bang up job of riding him through it.

Wow thanks Bernster - what lovely comments to make :)