Dismounted jumping practice?


Well-Known Member
13 August 2013
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I did some proper jumping for the first time in about 2 years, and guess what? I was rubbish:oops: All my old bad habits, which I had almost ironed out, have returned with a vengeance :(

Mostly getting in front of the horse, then trying to pick him up with my hands and elbows. I know what I SHOULD do ( sit tall, wiat for the jump, keep my hands low and quiet etc) but I have lost the muscle memory of how to it. As soon as anything goes a titchy bit arwy ( wibbles off line, stride not quite right right, minor spook etc It doesn't help that he is relatively green, and also an ex-racer who wants to hurdle or helicopter) I revert to 'helping' him over. My only saving grace is that my lower leg mostly behaves itself, and I do try very hard not catch him in the mouth.

So what off-horse exercises can I do to help, to save my poor horse? Sadly I don't think there are any jumping simulator horses within a couple of hours, or I would be going at least weekly! I knw the one about standing on a trotting pole in jump position, and I think it was Sharon Hunt who posted about doing this whilst holdinfg a bungee around a pillar to represent reins, so I will be doing that. Anything else? Thank you :)