Express girl
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Hi I am a 3rd year student and need ideas to do my dissertation in physiotherapy. I thought about something to do with horse riders/injurys. Just wondered if anyone else had any ideas at all please
Same with backs. I think my bad back stems from a fall (one of many over the years). My back lady says she can tell who is a horse rider from the problems.I don't know how you would gather data but rotator cuff injuries / shoulder pains in the over 40s working with equines regularly.
There are a lot of us suffering due to being 'yanked' around for years educating horses - a chronic wear and tear problem until it becomes a very painful acute issue.
Hi I am a 3rd year student and need ideas to do my dissertation in physiotherapy. I thought about something to do with horse riders/injurys. Just wondered if anyone else had any ideas at all please
There's an increasing number of physios out there that work with both horses and riders (as a pair), or that work together with riding instructors. Perhaps find some of those and have a chat about interesting research ideas?
Oh, this is an interesting question, and I bet a bit under-studied. It's only fairly recently that the idea of astride saddles adjusted for the female pelvis has become anything like mainstream. And biomechanically aware instructors do talk about different tendencies among male or female riders. But to what extent is this discussed or taught in sports physiotherapy, especially given the prevalence of female riders at the top of the sport? I have no idea, but looking into this might lead you towards a topic.Or gender specific injuries in riding that require proactive flexibility/mobility to prevent recurrence.