DIY livery query


Well-Known Member
26 December 2013
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I have two horses in livery - DIY basis. They have been out in the field full time now for last 3 weeks yet I am still paying the same amount. Just wondering if that's standard policy? Horses are not using stables or lighting etc. In fact, one of the stables for one of my horses was actually used by another horse. I'd got the stables all cleaned out and it was great to have them finally dry out after the long winter, to then find it stank of urine again! The poop had been lifted but that was it.
I've not said anything to the YO as wanted to check my facts first and just to see what the general rule of thumb is. The last yard I was at didn't change the fee but then again, horses were in more than out because of the shockingly wet summer we had. No one else ever used my stables as they were what I was paying rent for and were essentially mine. Advice appreciated. Thank you.


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12 January 2011
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We pay the same all year round as we still have the use of all of the facilities, it is just personal choice if you choose to turn out 24/7 in the summer.

windand rain

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25 November 2012
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We always paid the same year round but noone else used the stables as they were ours. Only time they may have been used was during camps when off site horses came but we were always asked first before they were used and the yard owner cleaned and disinfected after they were used


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2 August 2010
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Depends whether you place charge a set fee per month or hay/bedding separate. I've been looking at yards at saw both. People shouldn't be using your stable without your permission.


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29 August 2006
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It's not normal to have a reduction unless perhaps you are not having the hay/straw included in your price in the summer (although most just split the cost of this over the year so its one flat rate).

I wouldn't expect anyone to use my stable unless it was some sort of emergency though....


Well-Known Member
2 September 2015
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It's normal to pay the same all year, but I do think it's off that someone would use your stable and leave it smelling..


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24 January 2016
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I left one yard I was on because they felt the stables were theirs and we were allowed to use them. I had my stable ready for my horse only to find the YO's mare and foal in it. They felt this was okay because they had a different stable my horse could go into. Never mind the fresh deep bed of straw I had paid for and worked to make or the lick that the mare demolished. IMO if you pay rent for something it is yours to enjoy without interference. Definitely say something.


Well-Known Member
26 December 2013
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Hmm, well I wasn't asked about the stable. It stank when I went in there 😞I would have happily agreed for it to be borrowed but the lack of asking really got me miffed! My livery basically includes stable and feed. We only get hay and so as my girls are hard doers, I then have to top up with haylage. The hay doesn't keep the weight on over winter. I have to supply my own bedding which is costly too. The very first yard I was at, the DIY included all bedding and haylage for almost same price I am paying now. Sadly it wasn't as near to home as this one is, which is why I ended up moving. I'm even contemplating building stables at home due to the expense of livery!!!


Well-Known Member
26 December 2013
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Yeah, I know where you are coming from! It was kinda like, well this stable is empty and we need it and your horse is out so we will use it. I am a stickler for manners and consideration etc and get so frustrated when so many people just aren't wired that way 😞


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3 January 2014
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Our livery price goes down if your horse is out 24/7 in winter but that is due to the fact that we are no longer using hay and that is well stated in our bills :)

Deltic Blue

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24 March 2013
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Mine doesn't go down, it's one flat rate, but we pay extra for hay and bedding at my yard so those costs will go down.
The two previous yards I've been have been the same, one flat rate throughout the year.
The only one I've known to reduce the price in winter, was when I was a sharer years ago, the price in summer would drop by about half if your horse was out 24/7, but that could have changed now!

I would be very annoyed if someone used my stable without asking! Especially if you pay for your own hay and bedding!


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7 September 2004
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It's perfectly normal to pay the same DIY livery rate all year round.
It's rude to put a horse in another owners stable without asking!


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30 March 2015
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I'm on DIY and pay the same rate year round. This is for stable and field rent as well as use of services which I have full access to all year. If you do not have full access to your stable I would expect a price reduction. I tend to keep bits and pieces in my stable over summer e.g. wheelbarrow and brushes.

Do you know for definite that someone else used your stable? Or are you just assuming because of the smell? I would have a chat to YO to clarify the situation!


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I would expect to pay the same .
No one else should be using your stable so I would tell the yard manager .


Well-Known Member
25 October 2013
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At all DIY yards I've been on it's been a flat rate all year round and pay for your own hay and bedding - perfectly normal for a DIY yard I think! Livery yards hardly make money as it is let alone reducing the rate because someone chooses not to use their stable, you're still using the fields and the facilities.

As far as the using of the stable is concerned if it's a one off I wouldn't be too worried, someone might have just caught a loose horse and shoved it in a stable for half an hour. As long as they haven't severely damaged the box or soiled all your bedding then I'd just leave it. But if someone is using it as their own or it happens consistently then speak to the yard manager because that's not fair.


Well-Known Member
10 January 2011
Rainy Cumbria!
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When I was on DIY i paid £25pw over summer when they were out 24/7 and £45pw plus bedding in winter. I still had use of my stable although I gutted it out and left it to dry all summer. The yard I am at now (full livery but there are a couple of DIY liveries too) is the same all year round. If someone was using my stable I would not want to be paying for it! I'd have a chat with your YO if your stable is being used repeatedly without your consent.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2012
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It's perfectly normal to pay the same DIY livery rate all year round.
It's rude to put a horse in another owners stable without asking!

This. Your livery is essentially renting the stable that has been assigned to you and the turnout/facilities, including any other additions like hay/bedding.

As far as the flat rate goes, we don't do DIY here, but the issue is the same. The flat fee is there for the benefit of everyone. Livery yard owners are able to build up funds over the summer months with less usage of electricity, hay, feed and bedding, to allow liveries to stay paying the same rate during the winter months when all of those costs go up significantly.

If you ever find your own place to own or rent, you'll understand why this is standard. The winter costs can be astronomical and livery yard owners need to know that their clients will be able to afford it. Best way to do that is a flat fee that the livery agrees to that doesn't fluctuate.

As for the stable being used, I'd be annoyed and I'd ask for an explanation.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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I've always paid the same amount year round. You still have use of the facilities and would (presumably) still have use of your stable if you wanted/needed it. I would be annoyed at someone else using my stable while I was paying for it though!

Are feed/hay/bedding included in your rates?


Well-Known Member
8 October 2013
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Agree with others - DIY is flat rate, regardless of horses in/out, but using your stable without asking is not on.

A couple of people have blanket permission to use ours if they're empty, but those people are friends who would borrow the stable for an hour or two and leave it spotless.


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3 February 2009
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I would not expect a reduction in the rate just because I chose to keep my horses out 24/7. Fields and fencing still need to be maintained and having my own yard at home you would not believe how much time, effort and money goes into just keeping the fabric of a yard going.

However I would not expect a horse to be put into 'my' stable without being asked first. OK if it was for an absolute emergency but then in the days when I was on DIY yards it always seemed to be the rule that there had to be a stable available per horse.


Well-Known Member
11 August 2011
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I'm on a DIY yard and pay the same all year round. Hay and bedding are not included. My horses have been out 24/7 since the beginning of April and I would not expect a reduction in cost. My cost covers my stable, paddocks and unlimited use of the school (whether I use it or decision) and I would not expect to be charged less because I'm not using the facilities. My stables however are mine and mine alone. Nobody uses them without speaking to me first.


Well-Known Member
20 January 2009
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What is the deal with this horse in your stable? I'm on DIY and pay the same all year round. I pay for stable and grazing, so nobody uses my stable. Every horse has its own.


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6 March 2016
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I wouldn't expect a reduction, if i i had a show the next day or wanted mine in due to the heat then I am free to use my stable as I please.

I did have one yard though that had fixed DIY rates for summer (may-end of sept) and winter (oct to end of April). In the winter we were charged £110pcm incl hay and straw (it was a working farm, no facilities and 'winter' started early as we had to stable for the hunt most weeks although apart from those days we could keep out 24/7 until November if the lands was doing ok) and £80pcm in the summer which would incl ad hoc hay (1large net/ day) if we needed to stable for a few days a month and most of us just used our 'clean' bedding from winter bed and have a full clear out, clean and paint in august

Equally another yard had 24/7 turnout all year round, I didn't expect a reduced rate because I chose for my horse to winter out! But that was only the basic stable rate as we paid for hay and straw on top if horses were stabled but it was a standard fee (£10 and £5 pw for hay and straw respectively)

However I would have an issue with the use of my stable for someone else without my permission, one off would be one thing but repeatedly is wrong IMO


Well-Known Member
24 August 2015
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if you have the land and can build stables at home then do it, you will swiftly learn how expensive/labour intensive having them at home and managing your own grazing/ fencing/ general repairs/ sourcing & getting your own hay and bedding etc, I think you'd then really appreciate prices DIY yards charge!


Well-Known Member
26 December 2013
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Thank you all so much for your input, much appreciated. I just wanted to see what the "norm" was before approaching my YO. I am actually relieved that prices are generally a flat rate because I had no idea how I was going to aporoach him for a rate review!!!! Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
20 January 2009
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I would approach the YO about someone else using your stable though, what happens if it's tiddling down for ages or horse needs to come in through injury?


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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We pay the same all year round as we still have the use of all of the facilities, it is just personal choice if you choose to turn out 24/7 in the summer.

This is how I charged my Boarders, if they wanted indoor board then they paid for it regardless if the horse was out 24/7 or not, their choice. If they wanted to change to pasture board then they lost the right to the use of a stable, and if I had rented it to someone else then it was their loss.

I would never have used a rented stable for another boarder though.

I had spare stalls for emergencies.