Do horse riders financially support the air ambulance ?


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3 February 2012
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I'm another one who is interested to find out if AirA recieve anything from NHS. Considering all the call outs they got last winter when regular ambulances couldnt get out due to ice. :(


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8 January 2010
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Not to discourage you but as a statto I would say you are more likely to get answers from people who are interested in the subject in some way. So I would work it out as 20 divided by the number of people currently viewing the tack room (976 right now). So about 2%.

I stay logged in all the time so show as being here when not and I reckon that is the case for many members


Well-Known Member
24 March 2013
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I stick money in the YAA collecting tin whenever I see one. I also stick money in mountain rescue tins when I see them as I do a lot of walking/biking out in the peak district. I find it hard to believe that both are funded solely by donations.

I am a member of the university mountaineering club and we do a fancy dress bike ride every year to raise money for the YAA.

Splish & Masons mum

Well-Known Member
27 April 2010
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yes I do, I have a quarterly standing order to play our local AA lottery, and we've just organised a doggy One Day Event which raised over £500 for our AA. Fingers crossed I never need it, but if I do I hope it's still there!

I do think you are more likely to get "yes" answers on here I would be pretty embarrassed to write "no I don't support them"


Well-Known Member
12 October 2011
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I think that what they do is incredible. I donate whenever I see a tin / collection point / fundraising event without hesitation, though I have been meaning to set up a DD for a while for both the air ambulance and WHW - must get to it!


Well-Known Member
12 August 2012
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Yes and also make sure all empty printer/toner cartridges go to the air ambulance at work ( hospital lab ) helipad is directly behind us and its scary how many times it arrives and were a small trust but with a big geographical area essential kit up here.


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26 April 2007
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Yes, it is something that I feel very strongly about. I have at least two friends who probably wouldn't be here today had they had to wait for a road ambulance. Both were riding accidents in off-road locations. I previously lived in a very rural area of North Yorkshire where it was also vital for agricultural accidents on the moors.

I have raised a lot of money personally for it eg. by doing the Coast to Coast Walk, and a lot of Hunt/RC events are held in support of it. The parents of one of the girls above hold a large dinner dance and auction on their farm every year as a thank you and generally raise £8-10k.

I like to think that if I pay up front then I am less likely to need a ride in it... Call it insurance ;)

It should be a government funded or subsidised service, without question.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2011
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Yes it is one of the charities i do give money to. Plus they are supported by Saracens (Rugby) who my OH used to play for so they get double money from me!


Well-Known Member
12 July 2010
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We have a monthly direct debit :) I was airlifted off the top of Exford show ground in 2011 following a nasty fall in the ring. Also my husband is a farmer and I'm aware they may be needed should he have an accident working far away in a field...fingers crossed he doesn't...but we support them with our monthly direct debit :)


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7 July 2005
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Yes, I donate monthly.

I also donate occasionally to Mountain Rescue after a tricky moment on Sharp Edge in Cumbria. I didn't need rescuing in the end but I had become "crag fast", we had to send hubby on ahead with a friend as he was getting stressed and a very experienced mountain friend talked me through it and I carried on (after giving myself a good Yorkshire talking to that I couldn't be a daft lass and call mountain rescue because I was "a bit scared"!). I did cry a lot though and I donated when I got home in a spirit of what might have been. We read on the internet later that where I was stuck is called the "usual gully" by Mountain Rescue.
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Well-Known Member
25 July 2011
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Yep I do: In fact
I came back from riding on the bus one day ...had to pop into Sainsburys to get some provisions...was late afternoon so didn't have time to go home...dump stuff and go back
So got my shopping (oooh I should mention that I was in full riding you are....wearing my body protector as it was easier to wear than carry...carrying my hard hat and whip, jodphur boots etc)
As I left there was this display stand by the door with some men in orange suits asking people to join the Air Ambulance Lottery (you pay a small amount each month and basically you might win a prize)....well the man kind of laughed at me....and said to his friend 'ahhh a horse rider - we deal with you all the time' - of course I joined up there and been meaning to donate a bit every month anyway! but am pleased to do my bit to help


Well-Known Member
26 December 2009
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I support Kent Air Ambulance by organising Great Chart Happy hack every year. Its a pleasure ride that has grown and grown and next year will be our 10th one!! Not bad for a one of event that it was supposed to be!! But in the end after this year I think we are up to about £14,500 in donations to them. Something I am very very proud of!


Well-Known Member
9 July 2013
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The OH and I signed up for their lottery (max number of lines they offer) about 3 years ago. Haven't won yet but then it is not about that at all. I also like to stop by their stand at the end of any county/horse show and empty the change that has gathered in the pocket into their tins.

The Leicestershire and Rutland AA is currently one of the three charities supported by the Waitrose I go to (customers get a little token to put into a tub for the charity they want to support and a given amount is split out in proportion). The AA box is almost full :) That shows the support for them.

I read the views that it should be part of the NHS but I would actually disagree. And before I get shouted at I will try to explain. As it is the AA can make their own decisions locally and personally think that the clear focus is there for the AA. I think they should be given donations/payment for services from the NHS but with all the cost cuttings to the NHS that are supposed to happen, I would prefer the future of the AA to not be decided on budget cuts. The AA is used quite a lot in rural areas so would an NHS funded AA still operate to the same level. Also when I donate to the AA I know that my money is going to the AA rather than maybe just a small proportion going to the charity I have decided to support.