Do I have any grounds for refund?


Well-Known Member
22 July 2021
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I have been a forum lurker for a while and have now decided to make an account to ask you knowledgeable lot for some advice please!

My saddle fitter sold me a saddle at the end of April this year which he kindly left for me to trial for two weeks to make sure I was comfortable in it. Unfortunately, my mare conveniently slipped in the field the day after and inevitably had this time off with physio as she was sore!

I decided to just go with it at the end of the trial because I thought it was okay from memory of sitting in it and he had said it fit.

However, I'm really not comfortable in it. It just doesn't fit me properly, my knees don't get into the knee rolls as my hip to knee length isn't long enough and it feels like my stirrups get longer when I'm doing anything faster than walk. It is quite hard to explain.

In terms of on my horse, the back of the panels barely look like they touch and it's too wide. The flocking is solid and lumpy but it's been okay with a sheepskin half pad and she has been going okay in it. He said it would be better when she fills out which she now has.

Overall, visually it is a lovely saddle and he was selling it for a customer on a commission based service.

Anyway, I've ridden in it about 5 times because I hate it and had him back out to look at it about a week a go.

He admitted it didn't suit me but it fitted her and just needed adjusting slightly. He said he can't take it back. I also gave him another saddle I had to try instead which he said was a better fit and I prefer it so he is reflocking it and due to come back to fit it.

I rode in the current one today since him changing the fit slightly and my mare wouldn't go forwards, she was so unhappy and very unlike her. When I went to see if I could get my hand under the front, I had no chance, it was so tight and pushing against her shoulder. I got off within 10 minutes and could see where the hair underneath against her shoulder had been pushed. When it was on, you could see wrinkles coming up to the front of it.

I paid £450 for it which is a fair amount in my eyes and although he knows that technically I'm now not planning on using it now that I have the other one being fitted, I am pretty peeved that I've got a saddle that I have to try and sell and probably suffer a loss on which doesn't even fit me or the horse if I wanted it to anyway.

Do I have any grounds of getting them to let me return it?

Thanks if you got this far!
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25 October 2010
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No. You can ask him if he can sell it on your behalf but as there is nothing “wrong” with it he isn’t obliged to take it back.

just a note though, check the saddle hasn’t got anything poking out of it. My friends saddle returned from the master saddler with a nail sticking out of it, and I just noticed it before she put it on her horse. That could have been a mega disaster.

Lady Jane

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1 September 2019
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I'm not an expert in consumer law but I think no. I would have advised you sent the saddle back when your mare fell, and repurchased it when you could ride her again. What saddle is it? You may resell easily without losing too much. Saddles are a nightmare....


Well-Known Member
22 July 2021
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No. You can ask him if he can sell it on your behalf but as there is nothing “wrong” with it he isn’t obliged to take it back.

just a note though, check the saddle hasn’t got anything poking out of it. My friends saddle returned from the master saddler with a nail sticking out of it, and I just noticed it before she put it on her horse. That could have been a mega disaster.

Ouch! Good job you noticed!

Thank you. I thought that may be the case but it really doesn't fit her so I was hoping there might have been a chance!
I'd get about £250 if he sold it. Definitely nothing wrong with it, just doesn't fit.
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Well-Known Member
22 July 2021
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I'm not an expert in consumer law but I think no. I would have advised you sent the saddle back when your mare fell, and repurchased it when you could ride her again. What saddle is it? You may resell easily without losing too much. Saddles are a nightmare....

I didn't want to risk losing it unfortunately but yes, in hindsight I should have but I thought it would be okay.

It's an Ideal but they come up so much cheaper than what I bought it for, I don't think I'll get that back.

Lucky Snowball

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22 December 2020
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Out of interest - is the saddle fitter qualified? It doesn't sound like they did a particularly good fitting job and lumpy flock is not acceptable. I would sell the saddle and chalk up to experience. The main thing is that your horse is ok again.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2021
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Out of interest - is the saddle fitter qualified? It doesn't sound like they did a particularly good fitting job and lumpy flock is not acceptable. I would sell the saddle and chalk up to experience. The main thing is that your horse is ok again.

Yes, he is on Society of Master Saddlers and the only official "Master Saddle Fitter" in the area, not just the regular saddle fitter qualification.
It's just frustrating that I'm probably going to lose a lot on it but it is what it is I suppose.
Thank you. She is okay, pleased that she could go back to her grass after only 10 minutes!


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22 November 2020
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I think you need to put this down to experience. you should have returned the saddle when the horse slipped. TBH £450 is a cheap saddle, try listing it on eBAy you might get more than £250 for it.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Hi, I'm another who would just chalk it up to experience. The saddle may well have fitted back then, but she has since slipped, had physio and time off. I would not expect it to still fit tbh.

I would try an advert on Preloved or FB Marketplace. If you allow people to have a ride in them, you may get close to what you paid.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Overall, visually it is a lovely saddle and he was selling it for a customer on a commission based service.

No for many reasons, but one is that technically, you didn't buy the saddle from him, you bought it from its owner and consumer law doesn't apply to private sales.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2021
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The secindnhand saddle market is crazy just now. Put it on fb for £500 but open to sensible offers.

Use that money to offset against the saddle that does fit

Thank you. It has been on Facebook for a week but nothing yet so fingers crossed!
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Well-Known Member
22 July 2021
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Hi, I'm another who would just chalk it up to experience. The saddle may well have fitted back then, but she has since slipped, had physio and time off. I would not expect it to still fit tbh.

I would try an advert on Preloved or FB Marketplace. If you allow people to have a ride in them, you may get close to what you paid.

Thank you.
It didn't fit when he first came out. He said it was too wide and to use a Prolite pad while she fills out, I mainly used the sheepskin pad as it was quite thick anyway.
Following the two weeks off, she has been doing in hand and lunge work so she has built back up to her usual self and it still didn't fit before or after he came back sadly.

Hopefully it will sell eventually!


Well-Known Member
30 January 2017
N Yorks
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The secindnhand saddle market is crazy just now. Put it on fb for £500 but open to sensible offers.

Use that money to offset against the saddle that does fit

A nice Ideal saddle ought to sell for decent money at the moment, second hand saddles are going for big money. Can you find some specific FB groups to advertise it in? e.g if it's for a native put it on a natives / cobs saddle page etc. I wouldn't panic about losing money on it just yet :)