Do you belive in ghosts?

Silent Knight

Well-Known Member
24 June 2010
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This is a picture of an image which keeps reapearing on my tack room wall. The stable block was built in the 1800's and everytime we paint over it it reapears over a matter of weeks.

I personaly wouldn't want to sleep overnight in the building. On occasion there is a strong smell of toast in the corner of the room, but we have no cooking facilities....

We have called the image 'the toast ghost'. Freaky or what?.....:eek:


Well-Known Member
4 September 2009
South Wales
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Ewwww dont blame you.I wouldnt want to sleep with that on the wall either.Creepy. Many years ago a man killed himself in our council house and I believe hes still here.( he electricuted himself in the bath). Ive seen shadows and kids seen orbs. Doesnt bother me.


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11 December 2004
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Yes I do.

I always look for some logical explanation for images and smells but don't always find them.

In my view ghosts and their ilk, like aliens, cannot be proven not to exist, therefore it would seem incredibly arrogant to suppose that we are the only beings, of whatever kind, inhabiting this space we live in.
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Well-Known Member
6 January 2008
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Picture does look a bit creepy, could it possibly just be an oil based liquid was splashed onto the wall so always seeps through ?

That has to be the explanation but it does look creepy!

I'm sitting on the fence re believing or not. I've recently had some inexplicable things happen to me (started with smells) but I'm still not convinced one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
4 September 2009
South Wales
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For those who don't believe in ghosts,somewhere on MSN there is a video of a actual haunting.If I can find the link I will post it.Its VERY scary tho.
My kids ( boys ages 18,16 1/2 and daughter 13 have ALL seen a ORB in their rooms. I was in bed one night,OH was watching tv downstairs,oldest son was out,other teen was in bed and my daughter was in her room. I was upset as got into a argument with hubby and SOMETHING touched my shoulder,I froze,then it happened again and I looked and knowone was in my room.I believe ghosts exist
Ive seem my dead cat,my grandad and my stepfather who have passed on.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2006
''I don't believe in ghosts, but ghost photos REALLY scare me''

How can you be scared if you don't believe in them.

yes I believe in 'ghosts', have seen too many and felt them around etc to have any doubt.
ets, that is a creepy sort of face though!


Well-Known Member
9 March 2011
Was Caterham on the Hill, Surrey now Wales
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I'd like to track this one down,

have never seen her, she is supposed to hang out on the A22 in Caterham mainly on a Thursday night at 1-2am. I have been up there (long walk up about 85 steps through woods) during the day but can't find anyone willing to come with me to help get more evidence during the night!


Well-Known Member
4 September 2009
South Wales
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I cant find that msn video programme I was talking about,was very creepy.
I believe theres a ghost in here and he doesnt bother me.The orb doesnt scare my kids either.
I saw a shadow one afternoon.I think they come and go as they please.
Kids not seen ORB for awhile.

Hey I wouldnt want to go in the woods at night either.
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Well-Known Member
11 August 2005
Around here somewhere
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Yes I believe, having seen and felt presences from my gran's house to current house. (reguarlary see orbs drifting past). Last house used to hear footsteps up/down the stairs and across the landing.
Also, at the yard we are at now, I have heard children giggling in the feedroon when I'm the only 1 there and seen unexplained movements out of the corner of my eye that is not the cattle/horses/sheep moving around.


Well-Known Member
4 September 2009
South Wales
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Yes I believe, having seen and felt presences from my gran's house to current house. (reguarlary see orbs drifting past). Last house used to hear footsteps up/down the stairs and across the landing.
Also, at the yard we are at now, I have heard children giggling in the feedroon when I'm the only 1 there and seen unexplained movements out of the corner of my eye that is not the cattle/horses/sheep moving around.

I know what your saying. When I saw my stepfather it was head to waist and when I saw grandad he was in a crowd of people. Ive seen a shadow move thru the room.I havent seen a orb but kids have. Oldest said the orb was near his head (he is on top bunk bed and other lad (on bottom bunk) said he saw it too.My daughter has a mid sleeper and she said the orb was by the ceiling,she said it WAS NOT the street light. Things sometimes go walkies too.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2006
stranraer, scotland
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wow what a weird pic i think i'd end up putting a cupboard ro something in front of it hehe.

As for beilieving in ghosts i most certainly do. never seen a human ghost but deffinately seen a horse.

I lost my clydesdale mare and her foal (within a few moths of each other) a few years ago and it must have been several week afterwards i was walking through the barn tending to my mums pony and out the cornor of my eye i caught a glimpse of my mare standing in the door way looking straight at me. spinning round there was actually nothing there but as i contined on i heard her big heavy feet stomping round the barn and the occasional snort (there were no other horses or people on the yard at the time and i'd no her big flipper feet anywhere) i was enjoying hearing her again so decided to keep on with what i was doing. my mums pony suddenly threw her head up and let out one heck of a whinney, so i quickly lifted my head in the direction she was looking and for just a split second i saw my clydesdale mare and her foal nuzzling. They then dissapeared into thin air.
do you think it was mabe a sign that they were ok and had met each other once more? i like to think so anyway.


Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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There is a theory that events can become set in time

Walk into a room where there has been an argument and you can feel the tension

Similarily a past event especially one that was dramatic may become fixed within a place and be picked up by those that are sensitive to such things

Something like a tape recording that gets played again and again

I believe the theory also suggests something similar to the first law of thermodynamics that as energy cannot be destroyed it remains in situ but in an alternative form...

that or you've got an oily stain on the wall ;)


Well-Known Member
10 May 2007
I believe in ghosts, having seen quite a few, and had various other unexplicable things happen over many years. Only last week I was delivering some horse feed, in the dark, to a customer, when I was given a firm nudge on the hip, like a dog would do with it's nose. I had my head torch on, and there was definitely no dog around me, the owners dogs were inside. I must ask the owner if he knows of a shost, he's a medium, could be very interesting!


Well-Known Member
29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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''I don't believe in ghosts, but ghost photos REALLY scare me''

How can you be scared if you don't believe in them.

yes I believe in 'ghosts', have seen too many and felt them around etc to have any doubt.
ets, that is a creepy sort of face though!

Easy! The same way a nightmare can scare you, even though you know you're only dreaming. It sends a shivver down my spine and I feel eyes on me.
Same way that lump in the curtain is currently scaring me...I know I'm being silly...but I've also watched Crimewatch plenty of times!

Just the thought of someone standing behind you, watching you...

Has anyone ever watched the Thai movie Shutter? (WAY better than the US version)


Well-Known Member
22 July 2011
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No, absolutely not.
I'd love to believe all the lovely people and animals I've known are out there somewhere but I can't. There's simply no credible evidence.

I'd go for the oily stain or a dodgy damp course. :D

PS - it looks like Treebeard from Lord of the Rings?


Well-Known Member
26 September 2011
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Thts a scary image! I have seen to many unexplained people/shadows/lights not to believe in them, whn i hve seen things it either feels friendly or not, the friendly ones i dont mind but whn i sense evil it scares me. Had somethin here last week which seems to have moved on (fingers crossed it says gone!) which i felt was watching me and i felt really uncomfortable in my own home! I also see my deceased animals alot which always makes me smile :)


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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I do indeed believe in them. The day the ID died, suddenly and very unexpectedly, sister, friend and I were sitting in the living room, all three of us heard very heavy hoof beats on the lane, but no horse visible. Ten minutes later when we went out the mare was very very ill and was pts less than an hour later (septicemia from dellulitis). We beleive it was sisters late Clydie mare coming to fetch sisters ID mare. We have also seen horses that we have had, in the field, often at times when there are problems. Other people may not believe any of this, but we do.


Well-Known Member
21 August 2011
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No but i have quite recently had premonissions. I was at a horse show not long a go and said to OH that a specific handler was going to trip and horse go right over her. No evidence to prove this would happen as horse was behaving perfectly i just knew it would and it did.

The next day i turned to collegue and said that i felt like the fire alarm would go off twice for no reason and it did!! Even i turned a bit pale after that happened i must admit !!!:eek

I do believe though we create in our minds a lot of what we would want to see usually in order to confirm or reassure ourselves.


Well-Known Member
24 January 2008
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I'd like to track this one down,

have never seen her, she is supposed to hang out on the A22 in Caterham mainly on a Thursday night at 1-2am. I have been up there (long walk up about 85 steps through woods) during the day but can't find anyone willing to come with me to help get more evidence during the night!

Please tell me this isn't one of those daft clips where some zombie or other leaps out at the end.....hate when I watch something...expecting it to be interesting and that happens....what a time want to click on it if it's worth watching, but haven't just in case!! ;)

Ok edited to say, gave in and zombies (phew)
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