Do you belive in ghosts?


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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I do.. My little staffie came back after she had died and we saw here quite a bit. We also have something at our yard as bridles etc often get chucked across the tack room but as it has never hurt anyone that doesnt bother me.

Am not that brave though...I could easily come along for the walk in Caterham, but would probably end up having a fit of hysterics so will leave that alone!


Well-Known Member
3 February 2011
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I believe in ghosts 100%.
I was only 7 and the day after my grandad's funeral I was watching the kids cartoons on TV, when it suddenly went to the fuzzy black and white screen and came back on BBC2. Now if it came back on a different channel surely it'd have been BBC1? But what made it weird for me was on the channel was all the scottish bagpipes playing and my grandad loved the scottish culture dearly. I'm convinced its him that turned my cartoons off!

Weird stuff up the yard a lot too. Like hearing people laughing and running around then nothing when you look around! Lights going on and off etc.
And what got me is how my horse usually stands with his head in the doorway watching me muck out, but once he stood with his neck bent right round for 45minutes just staring at something in the middle of the yard & I have no idea what. Moments later I thought I saw myself walk past the gate! and no one else was up the yard :|


Well-Known Member
9 March 2011
Was Caterham on the Hill, Surrey now Wales
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I do.. My little staffie came back after she had died and we saw here quite a bit. We also have something at our yard as bridles etc often get chucked across the tack room but as it has never hurt anyone that doesnt bother me.

Am not that brave though...I could easily come along for the walk in Caterham, but would probably end up having a fit of hysterics so will leave that alone!

I've seen my little lurcher a couple of times, she was PTS nearly 2 years ago, it's comforting isn't it.
As for the walk, never mind perhaps if you feel up to it I can try to organise a few of us to go, Oz :)

ps there's more info on her on here for anyone who's interested
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Well-Known Member
25 March 2009
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The souls of tortured dead people's sould floating around going "wooOOOoooOOOoooOOOooo!" No. Definitely just no.

However, the ability for natural objects to be able to record and play back things on a (loop when the conditions are right) that have happened in the past like a natural video tape? Perhaps...but very unlikely.

The ability for our highly complex brains to imagine things and at times freak us out completely and leave us with no explanation for what happened. Yes!


Well-Known Member
16 October 2011
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My mum has a book of inexplicable things I was fascinated with when i was younger and there was something similar to this in there.. Faces on the floor or something similar the chapter was called. Basically there is a house in Blemez in Spain and images of faces appeared on the concrete kitchen floor starting in 1971. Since then they have disappeared and re-appeared several times. Apparently people tried to scrub them off the concrete floor originally which didn't get rid of them but made the faces look sad :eek: very creepy!
In answer to your question, I believe in ghosts. There's one in my friends house that keeps knocking things over, making noises etc and there's too much stuff gone on there that I can't rationally explain away.


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Yes, I believe in ghosts and also in reincarnation. OP, that is a creepy image on your wall. However, I think there IS probably a logical explanation as it does look like something has been splashed on the wall at some time. But it would creep me out none the less. And the smell of toast, well I can't explain that.

I believe my mare is a reincarnation of a horse I knew and loved many years ago. I had an unexplained urge to go see her even though I specifically wanted somethin over 16 hh and not bay and not a mare! But I drove 3 hours each way to see her and bought her on sight. She would have been born around the time the other horse died and once I got her home her mannerisms were exactly the same right doen to the funny thing she does with her top lip. The other horse was a gelding and chestnut but he had a perfect diamond shape star. My mare has a perfect diamond snip between her nostrils and her cheeky and very unique character is identical to that of the other horse who I adored and always wanted to own.


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22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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Yes for various reasons but my main one is that after my dad died I occasionally felt his presence around the house then when my mum got our dog to keep us company for about a month every now and then she would stop what she was doing and go and sit next to my dad's chair and look up at it for ages. It was like she was sitting watching my dad :) It doesn't happen anymore so I just think he was checking we were all ok before he sort of moved on kind of thing.


Well-Known Member
27 October 2011
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Totally and utterly YES! Ive had far too many experiences with paranormal / ghostly things at Dudley Castle, in two family homes, experiences from well known family friends and the fact that I did some table tipping!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2007
In daylight I try to be rational and sit on the fence but at night you don't catch me going anywhere where there isn't a light :p

As for your wall, its scary but probably caused by an oily substance that got on the wall, I would be tempted to put some make up on the face, some bright eye shadow and some loud red lipstick, i think the new look would make it far less scary ;)


Well-Known Member
23 December 2009
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my fave topic :D

I do believe.
Have had many friends&family who have experianced them ranging from childhood, hotels,pubs, world war, one friends experiance had a very profound effect on her.

I've had one experiance when I was younger as is usually the case when I was about 6ish? I used to always read at night with just the bed side table lamp on and the door ajar, I casually looked up over to the door and there standing within the gap was a huge alsatian type dog with black markings across its eyes like a raccoon. I didn't see its eyes though, never been so terrified in my life! I dived under my covers and stayed there until I was pretty much suffocating and had the bravery to call out for my mother ha.

Since then I've never liked having my door open at all, let alone at night and that effect alone makes me think I must of def seen something all those years ago.

One thing that kind of creeped me out though is that my friend commented alot of experiances seem to happen within doorways, which is kind of creepy now thinking back as the ones I've heard usually have ha.
Perhaps some sort of symbolism going on there? idk.
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Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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I have a theory about life after death..
You might as well believe in it because the only time you will find out is if you die.
If there is life after death you can gloat about being right.
If not it won t matter.
Personally i think in grief after loosing a close one the hardest thing to cope with is knowing you will never see them again.. alot of life after death beliefs stem from this .. ghosts are in effect something a lot of us are desperate to believe in.
I wouldn t say i believe but i really hope its true. I want to see my dad::eek:


Well-Known Member
12 August 2006
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That image looks really odd!

I'm a major sceptic which it comes to ghosts and would say I don't believe in them. BUT where I used to work in kennels, we worked late and always on a Sunday night weird things would happen. I remember I'd gone for a break and went back to my kennel block and one of the gates was wide open. I didn't think much of it and afterwards asked my work friends if they had popped into my block and forgot to close my gate. They said no, which worried me as it was one of these gates which you physically had to lift a latch in order to close it and I can swear I closed the gate properly! This happened to another colleague of mine years ago when she walked out the run to clean up after a dog, came back to the door and it was locked. She had to walk all the way round to the front door of the building and when she got in she asked her colleague why she had locked her out and her colleague said she hadn't left her own kennel block! :O The scariest thing that happened to me was when I was working, I literally glanced up and at the end of my kennel block corridor I saw a blonde person outside walk straight past my fire exit door! I asked my colleague (who's blonde) if she'd gone out and she said she hadn't gone outside! I think it may have been a ghost as the figure was definitely real but it didn't set off the security light and it's impossible to walk past the fire exit door on the outside without triggering the lights!


Well-Known Member
22 December 2010
Fife, Scotland
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I do believe in them but I tell my self I don't because the actual thought of them visiting creeps me out haha. However saying that I love reading peoples experiences with them (I know stupid huh?) I have had one experience with them though, my friend and I were in my grans house ourselves playing in her loft (which has been turned into an extra bedroom and study)


Well-Known Member
22 December 2010
Fife, Scotland
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Ahh stupid phone
So we were up the loft playing (this was years ago) and we were hungry so we came down the ladders but as we did so we looked down to our right to the other spare room and saw a dark figure pass the half closed door on the other side.of it. Thinking I was just seeing things I asked my friend if she saw it too, and she did, we were terrified. Since then I have often wondered who it could have been but I came to the conclusion that it was my handed who


Well-Known Member
22 December 2010
Fife, Scotland
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Sorry about the three posts but am still getting used to my phone
Anyway I believe it was my grandad who passed away before I met him and I believe ye was watching over me

Fools Motto

Well-Known Member
30 June 2011
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I believe! (That makes me sound like a Bible Preacher!!)
We had a 'Grey Lady' at my old old house. There was a story behind her, but her place was on the middle landing looking down the stairs.... I always HAD to turn on the lights to go up the stairs!!

That picture is creepy - I'd hang a picture over it!

Shooting Star

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18 October 2011
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I found myself calling good morning to the 'person' that walked past my stable door on several occassions at an old yard believing it was one of the other liveries or the YO only to go to empty the barrow and find that there was nobody else on the yard yet.

... still don't know who it was but they were always heading for the part of the barn that had a former life as a dairy (the house next door dated back to the 16th century) :eek:


Well-Known Member
29 June 2007
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I think I do but never quite sure.
I've seen something odd out hacking on my pony. It was on an old abondoned railway line, set near to an old estate. I was riding along by myself when my pony stopped and raised his head really high- he's a big spooky so i just kicked him on. About 30-40m ahead a man crossed infront of us- from one side to the next. He was dressed in a long trenchcoat and had a large gun but had no other features I can remember. This part of the line had about 10m high embankments on both sides with thick hedging and branches etc- the side he came from had a field behind it and the side he was entering had a wire fence and was a cows field right next to a farmhouse. I didn't think that much of it other than that him creeping in the bushes would spook the pony. However, he was gone- no creeping about, no sign of him in the cows field (it was winter so bare branches). It just baffled me really as there was nowhere for him to go in such a short space of time. That was quite a few years ago and I haven't seen anything similar since.

I'm not sure if I really believe in ghosts but I like to believe they exist. The paranormal does fascinate me but I always seem to have the sceptic within me! I would really love to see something paranormal and have no doubt that what I saw was something ghostly! However, I'm too much of a wuss to go into these haunted houses at night!


Well-Known Member
26 March 2007
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I have seen a few, 2 at work at the hospital on a night shift, i was'nt scared but it did stop me in my tracks...
And the other time at the yard, i saw a man walking towards the grade 2 listed barn "my horse's stables" :eek: when i mentioned this to the owner she asked what the man was wearing and confirmed who i saw was her late father who had died many years ago on the farm.
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Well-Known Member
22 December 2010
Fife, Scotland
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adding to my other posts as i'm now on my computer and not my stupid phone. At the RS i work at we see a lot of them as there are resident ghosts, there's an old man that always appears at the letter B of our indoor and a little girl in a dress who always appears in one particular ponies stable. I have had one incident out hacking where we hacked through the woods and came across a man sitting on a log, he didnt look up as 6 horses and riders filed past and just kept staring at the ground. Rather scared we all carried on thinking nothing of it until we came across what must have been some sort of shrine as there were various objects (e.g windchimes and glass orbs) left under and hanging from a tree, this freaked us out even more and as we hacked back home we passed the same log to find no one there and no foot prints leading to anywhere. Thinking back i think it could have been a ghost or something supernatural. We also see the ponies that have passed away at the riding school when we camp out on the show nights


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4 March 2009
Just around the corner, take a left follow the roa
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I lost my Nan years ago when I was a young girl, and ever since there is a little robin that follows me around. My first job interview there was a robin sat on the step, whenever I feel low a robin appears, every morning at my stable while mucking out a robin sits on the stable partitions watching me.. I believe that's my Nan watching over me.

We also recently lost our pussy cat and I still (swear by it) trip over her I'm sure, I will trip and then see a shadow I am sure it's our little girl Pepe running round.

if you don't believe you won't see them, my mum and I have made a pack that when the time comes no matter how scary it might be if there is anyway my mum can make contact with me she has promised she will try. Call us odd if you want but we really want to know if there is life after death.

What an interesting thread, well thought OP!

Adios x


Well-Known Member
15 March 2010
North England
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I would say I beleive in science and logic, however I think I may do :eek:
I used to work at an old pub, which had been a pud since the 1880's and was houses before that.
The old owner of the pub, when she bacame very old used to live downstairs in what is now the kitchen. Often in the kitchen you would feel someone brush past you, and you would look around and either I was by myself or the chef would be the otherside of the kitchen.
Once when I was working by myself in the kitchen, I was tiding up in the kitchen, and there was no one in the bar area. The kitchen has a window into the bar and there are various mirrors so even though the bar is around the corner you can see if there is anyone at the bar. I looked up through the kitchen window and saw a figure in the reflection of the mirror leaning against the bar. I decribed this to the boss when she got back and the figure at the bar was the old owner.

maree t

Well-Known Member
15 September 2010
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I used to live in a house that was haunted. Had loads of problems with the kids because he scared them. My daughter (3 yrs ) used to make us put certain toys out of her room because HE kept playing with them. One of my dogs sat outside her room one day when I was alone in the house and he had his hackles up and was growling, he would not go into the room and there was nothing to see in there. He did appear to me a few times but never scared me but I did end up shouting at him after the kids wouldnt go upstairs n their own. He never scared them again and things did calm down.

I worked in a very old pub when I was 18 and the upstairs bar was haunted. I didnt used to worry much but I was upstairs hoovering one day and the switch turned off at the plug. I squatted down to switch back on and the blast of cold air sat me on my backside. I quit doing it from that day. Pooped myself.:eek:


Well-Known Member
31 July 2009
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I'd poo my pants if I saw OP's ghost. Like Tinsletoes we bought an ex-council house who's previous owner killed himself by hanging. We were told it was an old man that had just died. 2 years later a neighbour told me as we were having the kitchen extended out into the old coal shed and toilet and where he hung himself is right over our kitchen table ! Doesn't bother me in the slightest bit our old dog would jus sit there and stare which was quite off putting. Years ago me and OH were looking after a house and when I got back from work he asked what I'd come back for earlier that morning. I said nothing and excuse the pun but he went White as a sheet and said you must of done because you sat on the bed, I felt you sit down and the mattress dipped. He refused to stay there again. Another friend lives in a massive house 100's years old and she had a mate staying for a few weeks between house sales and several times se got woken up by someone throttling her (I can think of a few who'd like to) she said she literally woke up as she felt herself taking her last breath before dying. She's bit of a hard nutter so I def believe her. It's a subject that fascinates me but ive never seen anything myself.


Well-Known Member
20 March 2011
In the Kitchen ;)
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Don't know whether to believe... not sure if i want to!! Loads of people I know have had "experiences". I've had moments when I thought our old Dalmation was lying on my bed with me but nothing is there. Have had several sudden urges to get out of a room because I didnt feel safe!!
There was one really sad story I was told by a friend's mum, of a farm where there were 2 resident ghosts. One was a soldier, dressed in full gear with a rifle, marching round and round the farm all night. The second was a young woman who wandered round the farm as well, always sobbing. The two ghosts never crossed paths and were never seen in the same place at the same time. The story behind this is that the woman used to live at the farm with her family and she was engaged to the soldier. He went off to war and soon after, she got the news that he had died, and committed suicide due to her broken heart. Their ghosts patrol the farm looking for one another, but they never find each other.

How much of that is true I don't know, but I enjoy telling it!!!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2008
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I'd poo my pants if I saw OP's ghost. Like Tinsletoes we bought an ex-council house who's previous owner killed himself by hanging. We were told it was an old man that had just died. 2 years later a neighbour told me as we were having the kitchen extended out into the old coal shed and toilet and where he hung himself is right over our kitchen table ! Doesn't bother me in the slightest bit our old dog would jus sit there and stare which was quite off putting. Years ago me and OH were looking after a house and when I got back from work he asked what I'd come back for earlier that morning. I said nothing and excuse the pun but he went White as a sheet and said you must of done because you sat on the bed, I felt you sit down and the mattress dipped. He refused to stay there again. Another friend lives in a massive house 100's years old and she had a mate staying for a few weeks between house sales and several times se got woken up by someone throttling her (I can think of a few who'd like to) she said she literally woke up as she felt herself taking her last breath before dying. She's bit of a hard nutter so I def believe her. It's a subject that fascinates me but ive never seen anything myself.

See I don't believe anything that happens when people have been asleep because you can go into a state of sleep where you can open your eyes but you are still dreaming. I have suffered from sleep paralysis in the past and it can feel like someone is sitting on your chest or pressing on your throat. I also know people often report a dark presence in the room, usually at the end of the bed, or feeling something on the bed. So any sleepy/bedroom related incidents I will always put down to that.

I would like to believe, I really would, but I think most things can be explained as your mind playing tricks on you. Especially when people go on these ghost hunts, if you get yourself into a scared/edgy frame of mind you will think you can feel things.

I do love hearing about people seeing/sensing lost loved ones, makes me feel comforted. My friends grandfather used to smoke a certain brand heavily and a few weeks after he died there was suddenly an overwhelming smell of this smoke in her kitchen even though nobody had ever smoked in there.