Do you ever feel guilty…

29 July 2005
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When you just don’t have the time to ride and other commitments get in the way? Or when you do have the time, the weather is just not on your side and you can’t?

I haven’t ridden either since Tuesday and it’s looking like I won’t get a chance until Sunday (but weather looks not great) or possibly Monday afternoon or Tuesday. They recently had 9 days off due to the storms but I have just got going again and feel bad. I am sure they don’t care - they live out 24/7 and I am not trying to keep either fit for anything specific at the moment and both are just hacking anyway.

I guess I am just looking for some reassurance really. They live at home so I do see them lots but still feel bad - sometimes I think you feel more guilty when they are outside the back door!

Anyone else or just me?


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11 September 2019
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Mine are at home too and I know exactly what you mean - I'm very familiar with this feeling. However, my boy has been lame/in rehab for an extended period now and I can categorically say he does not care one bit he isn't being ridden or doing any work, which I think is going to help me when/if we get started again.
So yes, it's not just you don't worry! :)
29 July 2005
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My spotty boy is almost 23 so I am sure he really doesn’t care although he does like his work. The Friesian is a horse who really doesn’t care at all - I think he would prefer to be a field ornament if I am honest. ? they probably get more attention than a lot of horses do but I still feel bad. Haven’t even poo picked the last few days and feel bad about that but they are in about 9 acres so again I doubt they are annoyed about that.


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24 June 2008
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Nope never felt guilt. In the last years of owning even before i was told now it’s dangerous to ride cause of her eyes I didnt want to ride. I done the jobs then simply spent time grooming and being with my girl. Back many years ago I worked for a known horse rescue. It was that time I realised riding was not the most important thing to me. I was happier on the ground. Just happy starting the babies or re starting those who had the most awful times. Riding isn’t always the thing for some ?


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14 September 2001
Hants, England
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No. None of my horses have ever loved their work that much. My current ones are field ornaments and couldn’t care less what happens as long as they are fed and loved. They do get funny if I don’t spend any time with them, but I don’t think it matters how that time is spent. One of mine just enjoys me talking rubbish so follows me when I poo pick. Another one likes scratches, brushing and physical attention. The others are just happy with a bit of both. Only one I think gets bored, but she’s always got a sick note it seems.


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22 August 2020
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I used to feel guilty but not anymore!! They live like Kings, they have hay 24/7, out all day, in a nice stable with deep straw bed ar night. 2 feeds per day and groomed. I ride as much as I can but I have a health condition and sometimes I just can't ride.


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1 June 2021
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I don’t feel guilty for not riding but I do sometimes feel guilty if I’m exhausted, unwell or short of time and I do all my jobs, get them settled in their stables and leave without having the time or energy to fuss with them. They don’t actually care when they have haynets to eat but I don’t like to run off without a kiss or cuddle from the TB or a scratch with the haffies.

ETA 2 of mine are retired anyway so are just field ornaments. Maybe that takes the pressure of making me feel like I should be riding.
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Go away, I'm reading
18 December 2010
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When you just don’t have the time to ride and other commitments get in the way? Or when you do have the time, the weather is just not on your side and you can’t?

I haven’t ridden either since Tuesday and it’s looking like I won’t get a chance until Sunday (but weather looks not great) or possibly Monday afternoon or Tuesday. They recently had 9 days off due to the storms but I have just got going again and feel bad. I am sure they don’t care - they live out 24/7 and I am not trying to keep either fit for anything specific at the moment and both are just hacking anyway.

I guess I am just looking for some reassurance really. They live at home so I do see them lots but still feel bad - sometimes I think you feel more guilty when they are outside the back door!

Anyone else or just me?

I have ridden twice since christmas......i was feeling hugely guilty now i just feel too tired to feel guilty.

Life has just been one huge emotional stress after another and i have just taken the pressure off and will ride when i can.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Yes I'm feeling guiltily about not riding my older horse. I've ridden 4 times since Christmas because of weather and "stuff" getting in the way and he's bored. You can see it. High winds and high stress again today so it's not going to happen today either.


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25 January 2014
The wild west.
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If my PRE doesn't get regular work he gets quite grouchy. As soon as he sees his tack coming towards him , his eyes go all soft and he stands like a is definitely his happy place, so I do feel a bit guilty if he doesn't get done. But all others I've ever had haven't really minded either way! I find I'm happier if I try and ride daily....


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30 January 2017
N Yorks
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Yes I do, but I've got better since I worked out how to keep my cob's weight down without riding. He's out 24/7 and perfectly happy not being ridden. Now I no longer feel guilty about letting him get chubby I don't feel so bad when I don't ride for a while.

If yours are out together 24/7 and there's no pressure to get them fit they really won't care about being ridden. And in case you're feeling guilty about spending all that money keeping them when you're not riding - no need. No one feels guilty for spending money keeping a dog, or pet sheep, etc. If they're happy and they make you happy then enjoy that.


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14 September 2010
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Yip always!

Mine horse is on livery and gets looked after really well - he is out all day and has the best care but when I dont get down to ride I feel guilty for not getting down for a groom or the chats! But like you, with the weather, work (back in the office :() I've been exhausted and missed a few day and feel massively guilty!

He loves his work and is quite fit at the minute but at the same time isnt one who is mad fresh after a few days off so I shouldnt feel bad - but I do, I love him & miss him when I'm not down every day but I know he is fine - dont beat yourself up too much, we have all been there!


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22 December 2019
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I feel guilty in the sense that now that we are in competition season, I am not preparing him the best I can if I skip a few days. I definitely feel more grouchy and on edge if I have missed some days. Am definitely happier in myself riding 6 days a week even when it doesn't all go to plan. Great therapy! Mine also goes better when kept in regular work, otherwise he's a squealing thundering dragon.


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18 November 2012
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Not in the sense for riding, as my horse isn't overly fussed if he's not ridden. I feel guilty if something gets in the way and I have to cut my 'yard' time short. I like just being in his company whether it's mucking out grooming etc


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16 March 2011
West Yorkshire
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Only when I see friends posting about the amazing things they are doing with their horses at the moment. In my defence I can only ride out at the weekends at the moment but our time will come with the lighter evenings!


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29 December 2011
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Maybe a bit. I got my new one three months ago and it's been a bit stop/start since then. Bad weather, illness, boggy ground conditions and just life stuff in general mean I've ridden then not ridden, ridden then not ridden..... I do feel like I could have got off to a better start but, we have the summer coming, the horse is well cared for and happy and it really isn't the end of the world if horsey gets a few days off now and again.
29 July 2005
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Yes I do, but I've got better since I worked out how to keep my cob's weight down without riding. He's out 24/7 and perfectly happy not being ridden. Now I no longer feel guilty about letting him get chubby I don't feel so bad when I don't ride for a while.

If yours are out together 24/7 and there's no pressure to get them fit they really won't care about being ridden. And in case you're feeling guilty about spending all that money keeping them when you're not riding - no need. No one feels guilty for spending money keeping a dog, or pet sheep, etc. If they're happy and they make you happy then enjoy that.

thanks, and definitely not feeling bad about spending the money - I rarely spend money on myself but when it comes to the horses they always get what they need.